Ongoing Safety Management
Permanency/ Relative Placement

True of False: A safety plan should be updated when there is a change in parent visitation/contact.



What DCS document should a compelling reason for not seeking TPR be listed on?

Case Plan


How often does policy indicate a Parent Locate needs to be completed when a parent's whereabouts are unknown?

No less than every 6 months and prior to key decision points in the life of a case (i.e. change in permanency goal, case plan staffing, PPH/ Disposition Hearings /Permanency Hearings etc.).


What is a compelling reason?

A compelling reason is the Department’s justification for not filing for TPR. 

Federal law requires a TPR motion when a child has been in care for a certain timeframe (15 of the most recent 22 months) or the court has determined any of the following:

-The child is an abandoned infant 

-The parents have committed felony assault that resulted in serious bodily injury to a child 

-The parent has been convicted of murder or voluntary manslaughter of a child

-The parent aided, abetted, attempted, conspired or solicited to commit murder of voluntary manslaughter of a child


When does an FFA need to be completed?

- w/in 60 days of a child's removal or opening a case for ongoing services and a child is unsafe (whichever is earlier)

- minimally every 90 days

- at case plan reassessment and revision

- when there is indication a child may be unsafe

- when a substantial change has occurred or is anticipated to occur w/in the family such as considering changing the permanency goal, considering unsupervised visits, considering reunification and considering case closure


True or False -  The following is a compelling reason for not seeking TPR: 

Mia (age 12) has expressed and continues to express she does not want to be adopted after thorough exploration of adoption as a goal.


What is not a compelling reason is:

- The child's age 

- the need to learn skills to support a transition to adulthood (youth can learn these skills with any permanency goal)

-the inability to reunify with a parent (as this is a valid reason for TPR)


Name 3 ways you might gather information about the continuation of the safety threats for a family? 

In-depth conversation with the parents

Observing the home

Observing parenting time

Speak with the out-of-home caregiver

Reviewing records - public records, service provider reports, SVO reports

Collaterals - relatives, probation officer, service providers

Name Checks

Conversations with the child


When should a concurrent goal be established if the prognosis for reunification is poor?

Within six months of actively working with the family on both the reunification plan and concurrent planning activities, a final concurrent permanency goal must be established.


Name 2 circumstances in which a safety plan should be updated.

- change in Responsible Adult

- safety actions required to manage safety threats have changed

- parent/child contact restrictions or level of supervision described in the safety plan has changed

-parents have made changes to behavior sufficient to make a plan less intrusive 

- safety plan is insufficient and must become more restrictive


What extended family members shall the Department search for when a child is not in a relative placement?  (Hint: Policy indicates 8 relationship types)



Adult Siblings

A person who has custody of any sibling



First Cousins

Persons who have a significant relationship with the child
