Two patient identifiers used prior to patient evaluations or procedures to verify patient identity
What are name and FIN for inpatient
What are name and birth date for outpatient
Contact time for Oxivir-1 disinfectant
What is 1 minute
Used to provide information or obtain consent for treatment for patients who have difficulty understanding healthcare instructions or who do not speak English
What is an interpreter (person or phone line) or language line
Number called for an ROC STAT in the flagship hospital
What is 8-5555
In case of a child abduction or missing child, this code is called
What is Code Pink
What SBAR stands for
SBAR is a tool for communication among staff members
Oxivir-1 wipes
Oxivir-1 spray
Bleach wipes
What are examples of SRAlab disinfectants
Organizations that encourage patients to call and report complaints about care received at the healthcare organization; accrediting organizations
The Joint Commission
Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH)
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)
This number is called for a fire at the hospital
What is 8-5555
The Environmental Safety Officer at SRAlab
Who is Lamar Davis?
To decrease suicidal risk in patients, SRAlab clinicians should:
Provide number to National Suicide Prevention Hotline (1-800-273-8255)
Complete suicide screening tool in EMR
Maintain open communication
Notify appropriate medical team members
See Suicidal Risk Assessment and Response policy in PolicyStat
Eye protection
What are examples of personal protective equipment (PPE)
Ways to protect patient privacy/confidentiality and abide by HIPAA
Keep patient medical information in a confidential, secure area
Avoid conversations about patients in elevators or corridors
Do not disclose patient health information via e-mail or phone
Lock computer screens with PHI on them when unattended
Use “[secure]” when emailing patient information to other health care team members
This number is called for a fire at the outpatient/DayRehab off-site clinics
What is 911
Director of Security
Who is Chris Schleder?
Examples of how to use medications safely
Check 2 patient identifiers before administration
Taking extra care of patients on blood thinners
Asking about home medications
Confirming patients know which meds to take at home
Encouraging patients to keep an up-to-date list of medications and take with to doctor
The 1-step disinfection process when cleaning and disinfecting dirty equipment
Wipe or spray item with Oxivir-1
Air Dry
(Tips: Allow item to remain wet for the duration of product contact time - 1 minute
Repeat disinfection if product dries before the complete contact time)
Types of Advance Directives
Living will
Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare
IDPH Uniform DNR Order Form (POLST form)
PASS stands for:
What is:
This is worn by staff to:
Allow entry to SRAlab
Communicate staff member name and role to patients and families
Allow emergency access to the hospital during a community-wide disaster
What is your SRAlab ID Badge
How to reduce the risk of hospital-acquired infections
Use of alcohol hand sanitizer dispensers
Following standard/universal precautions
Activities of Infection Control and Ongoing Readiness Champions
Using appropriate PPE for patients on isolation
Use Oxivir-1 wipes/spray and Bleach wipes as appropriate
Recommended by the CDC and The Joint Commission to reduce the risk of patients contracting influenza during hospitalization
What are staff flu immunizations?
SRAlab's Compliance Officer
Who is Melissa Mitchell
RACE stands for:
What is:
Which of the following is false?
Sharps containers should not be over the fill line
Bathroom pull cords can be wrapped around grab bars
Clean linen should be covered and stored properly in designated cabinet or cart
What is bathroom pull cords can be wrapped around grab bars?
Bathroom pull cords should be hanging freely and not wrapped around anything else in bathroom.