Is it Safe?
What is the law?
Share with Care

Define "Data"



Someone writes in their personal journal. You find out that a friend found it when they spent the night at their house and thought it would be a funny joke to post parts of it online. 

Was the friend wrong to post that information online? Was it funny? Why or why not?

The friend was wrong to post the information because it was a private journal. It would not be funny to the person who's journal it was and could be really embarrassing for them. 


You're using a computer in a public library to do a job application. You need to go to the bathroom so you just get up and go. Is this safe?

NO! You did not log out and your personal information is on the screen for anyone to see. 

If a child under 18 sends a naked picture of themselves to someone else, is it against the law?

This refers to the Protection of Children Act 1978 and this law is in place for safeguarding and child protection reasons. In general, the police take a common sense approach to sexting and treat such incidents as a safeguarding matter. However, the potential for cautions, even prosecutions, exists in certain circumstances and could result in a criminal record for those involved.


Who could I share pictures of my new haircut with? 

Public, Friends Only, or None?



Define "Private Information"

Any information that can be used to identify you - name, address, SSI, phone number, etc. 


You know that another student made a fake social media account that’s impersonating someone else and makes them look bad. It also includes their personal information. 

Does the student being impersonated have a right to know—would you tell them?

Yes, they have the right to know because it is a form of identity theft. 


You can't ever remember your password for your email account so you put it on a sticky note and stick it on your laptop. Is this safe?

NO! Anyone could see your password. 


You have to be careful about what you post online because it could be against the law. 

True or False?

True: There are many laws that incorporate the online world. A death threat and repeated, harassing messages intended to cause distress are against the law.


I want to post complaints about my boss.

Public, Friends Only, or None?



Define "Phishing"

An attempt to scam or trick you into sharing your login or other personal information online. This is done through email, social media, texting, or web pages.


The kids at your house take turns using your mom’s tablet, so everybody knows the passcode. Your whole family also has one account for doing online shopping at this one website. That was all fine until one day your brother had a friend over and they were using your mom’s tablet to look at some amazing headphones for gamers on that shopping site. Your brother went to get a snack in the kitchen, then they went outside to shoot some hoops. A few days later, this box arrived at your house. It had headphones in it. Your brother said he didn’t order them. You believe him. 

Your parents are going to wonder how that headset arrived at your house—what do you and your brother decide to do?

You should tell your parents what happened and let them decide what they want to do. 


You like to play online in your free time and someone starts asking you personal questions. You answer the questions because you aren't sure what else to do. Is this safe?

NO! If anyone makes you uncomfortable online you should block them and/or tell a trusted adult.


Cyberbullying is not against the law.

True or False?

False: In general, cyberbullying, like bullying, isn’t against the law. If a child messages another saying ‘I don’t like your hair’, this is not against the law. However, some aspects of cyberbullying, could potentially break the law, such as a death threat or harassment. Although there is no clear definition of trolling, internet trolls who write repeated, nasty comments to others can be sentenced to jail for two years.


I want to share about my summer.

Public, Friends Only, or None?

Friends Only


Define "Doxing"

Making someone's personal information public online without their permission. 


Megan is excited about her vacation to Australia! She posts a picture out the window of the airplane on the way and tells her followers that she will be gone for three weeks. 

Is this a safe choice? What could happen if everyone knows she won’t be at home for three weeks?

This is not a safe choice, people could break into their house because they know they are not there. 


You just made an Instagram and you want to post a selfie. Is it safe?

Yes, there is nothing wrong with this as long as it is appropriate and does not show any private information. 


It is against the law to take someone else's identity and pretend to be them online without their consent. 

True or False?

True: This refers to the Computer Misuse Act and this type of activity is fraud.


I want to share a picture of my pet.

Public, Friends Only, or None?



Define "Digital Footprint"

All the information about you that appears online - photos, videos, "likes", etc. 


Someone Andrea does not know messages her on Facebook and tells her she won a free trip! All she has to do is message her bank account information through Facebook. Andrea is excited, so she shares her bank information. 

What could be the consequences of this choice?

Her identity could be stolen and her bank account could be accessed.


You are making an email account and decide to make the password "password12345", is this safe?

Absolutely not, passwords should be hard to guess!


If a child forwards on a naked picture of someone else to embarrass or upset them, there could be serious legal consequences. 

True or False?

True: For children (under 18), police will take a safeguarding approach to the sending of naked pictures, but the potential for cautions, even prosecutions, exist in certain circumstances and could result in a criminal record for those involved. For adults (over 18), there is a law that states that it is illegal for someone to forward a sexually explicit image of a former boyfriend or girlfriend, without their consent, for the sole purpose to embarrass or upset them. If prosecuted there is the potential for a maximum sentence of two years in prison for this offence.


I want to share my new ID picture.

Public, Friends Only, or None?

