True or False: It is important to mute your microphone at all times during class lessons
What is the name of home page that Google Classroom opens up into?
You should never share your ____________ with another classmate
What should you do if you want to answer a question and someone else is talking?
Raise your hand quietly
What tab tells you who your classmates are and who your teachers are?
True or False: If you receive an email from someone you don't know you should not open it
True or False: Shouting out during Zoom calls is disrespectful to your other classmates
What tab tells you what grade you got on an assignment?
If someone is bullying you online, what can you do??
When it is okay to tell your teacher something fun or important during the Zoom lesson?
Before or After the lesson is finished
Where is one place that tells you when an assignment is coming due?
On the stream or by clicking on the assignment
What is cyber safety??
Being safe when using the internet
Who is the online learning teacher this year for Junior?
Miss Jill
By leaving a __________ on a post, you can ask questions about an assignment or talk to your classmates
True or False: It is okay to download things from the internet when using the school IPADS and computers