This weekend I went to Flagstaff with my family.
Comment, only when the teacher isn't teaching.
Using the chat in Teams to say "hiiiiii"
Unexpected, this distracts other students and your teacher.
I have to go to the bathroom during a lesson.
Show the bathroom sign and wait for my teacher to see me. Then go without stopping the class.
What page are we on in our math books?
Question! Raise your hand to ask your teacher so you can learn!
Laying on down on your bed while your teacher is teaching.
Unexpected. You should have a quiet area to work where you can write if your teacher asks.
I'm bored and sleepy.
Keep these thoughts to your self and get up to stretch or get a drink if you need to. Saying you're bored to a teacher is unexpected.
My birthday is next week and I'm really excited to talk about it!
Comment. Wait until your teacher is done teaching.
Sitting at a table or desk.
Expected! When you sit the right way you are ready to learn!
I'm hungry and didn't eat before the lesson.
Wait until the lesson is done if you're at home. Wait until snack or lunch when you're at school. It's unexpected to eat when a teacher is teaching.
I don't understand how to round in the hundreds place. Can you show us again?
Question. Raise your hand to ask your teacher so you can understand the lesson.
Having your folder with you before you start your lesson.
Expected! This is following Habit 1-Be Proactive and it will help you learn.
I understand the math lesson and it helped me finish my work.
This is great to share when your teacher is done teaching!
This part of the story reminds me of when I crossed a bridge in California.
Comment. This is an ON TOPIC comment that you should wait to tell your teacher when she is done teaching.
Showing your friends your dog in the middle of a math lesson.
Unexpected. This will distract your friends from learning.
I can't find my math book or materials.
Use another piece of paper and follow along with your teacher.