Cyber Bullying
Fun Trivia
  1. Which of the following are standard online rules to follow when socializing online?

    1. Dont share your last name, Address, Number, or passwords

    2. Dont share your favorite movie, actor, director or genre?

    3. Dont share your family info, grocery list, debit card number, or address

    4. Dont share your eye color, weight, age, or gender



Question: What is the recommended amount of screen time per day for teenagers, according to health experts?

Answer: 2 hours or less.


Question: What does "digital citizenship" involve?

Answer: Behaving responsibly and ethically online, respecting others, and understanding the consequences of your actions.


What does "cyberbullying" involve, and how can it affect someone?

Answer: It involves using digital technology to harass, threaten, or embarrass someone, which can lead to emotional distress and other negative effects.


Question: Which animated movie featuring a young Chinese warrior was released by Disney in 2020, becoming a hit among kids and families?

Answer: Mulan

  1. Which of the following are standard rules and practices to follow if you ever meet someone online in person

    1. Never go alone(Bring a friend), let other adults know where you will be and when you return, meet in public open spaces, verify other person over video calls before any plans

    2. Ask about how many pets they have, what games they play, where they live, and what music they listen to

    3. Share your favorite meme, talk about the weather, get a picture of the other person, ask for their full name

    4. Play one round of fortnite, Get their minecraft user, Follow them on instagram, share a tik tok meme



Question: What are some signs that you might be spending too much time online?

Answer: Neglecting schoolwork or chores, feeling anxious when offline, and experiencing physical symptoms like headaches or eye strain.


Question: What is the purpose of a digital footprint?

Answer: It refers to the trail of data we leave behind when using the internet, which can impact our online reputation and privacy.


Question: What role does empathy play in preventing cyberbullying?

Answer: Empathy helps you understand how your words and actions may affect others online, encouraging more considerate behavior.


Question: What is the name of the popular video game where players build structures and battle opponents using various weapons and tools?

Answer: Fortnite


What does "phishing" refer to in the context of internet safety?

Answer: A fraudulent attempt to obtain sensitive information by disguising as a trustworthy entity.


Question: Spending too much time online can contribute to feelings of loneliness and this mental health issue.

Answer: Depression


Question: What should you do if you receive a message or see content online that makes you feel uncomfortable or threatened?

Answer: Tell a trusted adult immediately and avoid responding or engaging further with the content.


Question: How can you protect yourself from cyberbullying on social media?

Answer: By adjusting privacy settings, not sharing personal information publicly, and blocking or unfriending individuals who behave inappropriately.


Question: Who is the singer known for hits like "Bad Guy" and "Therefore I Am," appealing to a young audience with her unique style?

Answer: Billie Eilish


 What are some ways to protect your privacy on social media platforms?

Answer: Adjust privacy settings, be cautious about what you post, and limit personal information shared publicly.


Question: What role does sleep disruption due to late-night screen use play in mental health?

Answer: It can contribute to mood swings, irritability, and difficulty concentrating.


Why is it important to verify the authenticity of information found online?

Answer: To avoid spreading misinformation and falling for scams or false claims.


Question: How can you prevent cyberbullying before it starts?

Answer: By setting a positive example online, treating others with kindness, and refusing to participate in or share hurtful messages.


Question: What song by Lil Nas X became a viral sensation in 2019, spawning numerous memes and dance challenges on social media?

Answer: Old Town Road


 How can you tell if an online friend or contact might not be who they claim to be?

Answer: Watch for inconsistencies in their stories, refusal to do video calls, and asking for personal information.


Question: Why is it important to balance online interactions with face-to-face social interactions for mental health?

Answer: Face-to-face interactions provide emotional support, reduce loneliness, and strengthen relationships.


Question: Why is it important to think before you post or share something online?

Answer: Because once something is online, it can be difficult or impossible to delete, and it may have consequences for yourself and others.


Question: True or false: It is acceptable to use offensive language or insults when expressing disagreement online.

Answer: False. Respectful communication is important even in confrontational situations.


Question: What is the name of the fictional wizarding school attended by Harry Potter and his friends in the popular book and movie series?

Answer: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
