Can a post be completely deleted from online.
Tell someone you just met online where you go to school.
Do not
Who should you talk to if you are being bullied online?
Guardian/Parent and or another trusted adult.
Can you be certain that the person you are talking to online is actually who they say they are?
Go online for help with a problem (cooking,math,woodwork)
Do, with permission
Can the police be involved with cyberbullying?
If you are going to share personal information online, who should you talk to first?
Parent/Guardian or another trusted adult who is familiar with the website.
Post online about a trip you took after you are back home.
If you are being bullied online what can you do to protect yourself?
Report them, tell an adult, block them, contact the police.
What is social media?
You found a new website with free music, do or don't you download.
What is an example of cyberbullying?
Sending mean posts/texts, posting embarrassing photos or spreading rumors.
What is the max length you should spend on social media in one day according to scientists?
30 minutes max
Write down your password.
What percentage of people between 12 and 17 report cyberbullying
33-34 percent.