The number one rule when posting online is what?
Think before you post
True or false: Using OR narrows the search results
False; the search widens
What are two online dangers?
Cyberbullying, cyber predators, phishing, posting private information, downloading viruses, posts that can come back and haunt you, falling for scams
A strong password should be how long?
At least 8, but 12+ is better
True or False: A virus is written to help people connect with one another all over the world.
False; a virus is written with the sole intention of doing harm
When someone harasses you or is suspicious online, what do you do?
Stop, Block, Tell
____ searches get ____ results
SPECIFIC searches get SEPECIFIC results
A virus get downloaded onto your computer how?
By clicking on or downloading a file that was sent in an email, text, DM, etc.
Name the types of characters you should use when creating a password
lowercase letters, UPPERCASE letters, numb3rs, and $ymbols
What are the three categories of malware?
Virus - Worm - Trojan Horse
There are a few ways to protect yourself from online predators and scams - name one.
Never accept friend requests from people that you do not know
True or false: Using NOT narrows the search by excluding information
What is the first step in creating a password?
Choose something unique to you that you can base it on
What country has the highest risk of software attacks and viruses?
The United States of America
Cyber snoops or identity thieves are everywhere. How do you keep them from taking your identity?
Watch your social media accounts for any suspicious activity
How many words should you use when searching online?
6-8 words, any more and you will not get good results
Identity thieves look for what in pictures that you post?
They look in the background of picture for information like addresses or last names on mail or papers
How often should you change your password?
1-2 times a year
Viruses were transferred through what to people before they were sent out through emails?
Floppy disks
Why is it important to be safe online?
To be able to protect yourself and others from predators, harmful information, or risks that might harm your device or exploit personal information
You focus on what part of speech when searching online?
How do you know that you are being phished?
The email or message you receive will have warning to get whatever task asked to be done, completed as quickly as possible multiple times throughout the email.
What words should you not use in your password?
Any dictionary words/common words
Consequences of viruses and spyware are... name two
Identity theft; fraud; deletion, theft, and corruption of data; a slow or unusable computer