Digital Literacy
Digital Footprint
Online Scams
Tech history
Other Fun Questions

What does it mean to be friends with technology?

Let’s pretend technology is a new friend. How would you get to know it better and use it wisely?

Being friends with technology means using it wisely, understanding its benefits and risks, and treating it with care so it helps you without causing harm.


What tracks do you leave online, just like footprints in the sand? Imagine walking on a digital beach. What kind of footprints are you leaving behind?

  1. A picture of your feet posted online

  2. A trail of everything you do online

  3. Footprints in a video game

  4. A hidden code in your computer

2. A trail of everything you do online


What’s the danger of following strangers, and what should you do instead?

Following links from strangers can lead you to harmful websites or phishing scams. Instead, you should never click on suspicious links and always verify the source.


What year did the first iPhone come out?

A - 2001

B - 2004

C - 2007

D - 2009



What is the capital city of Switzerland?


How can you play detective with the information you find online?

When you find something cool online, how do you make sure it’s true? Think like a detective and tell us one clue you would look for!

By checking who wrote the information, seeing if it’s from a trusted source, and comparing it with other websites to see if it’s true.


True or false? If you erase something you posted online, it’s gone forever. What do you think happens when you try to erase your online footprints?

False. Even if you delete something, it can still be stored in backups or saved by someone else, so it may not be truly gone.


Why do scammers rush you like there’s a fire? Why do you think they create such a rush?

To pressure you into acting quickly without thinking. Scammers create urgency to make you act without thinking, hoping you’ll give them your information or money before you realise it’s a scam.


True or False: The first email was sent in 1971.



Switzerland shares borders with how many countries?

Five (France, Germany, Italy, Austria, and Liechtenstein)


Technology gives us superpowers like talking to friends far away! But what are some challenges it makes you solve?

Technology lets you talk to people across the world, learn new things quickly, and create amazing things. But it also makes you solve challenges like knowing what’s real and what’s fake online.


Why is it a good idea to keep your digital footprints clean? Why should we care about keeping our online tracks clean?

Keeping a clean digital footprint helps protect your privacy, keeps your reputation safe, and ensures that people only see the best version of you online.


What do you see, and how would you react to these emails? (Show pictures)

*Open discussion


What is the most popular video-sharing app where you can watch short, fun videos?



What does SMG stand for?

Swiss Marketplace Group


How can you tell if a website is safe? What’s one thing you look for to make sure a website is safe to use?

By looking for things like “https” in the address, checking for a padlock symbol, and making sure the website doesn’t ask for personal details without reason. “https” at the beginning of the URL because it means the website is secure and encrypted.


Should adults at schools or workplaces look at your online pictures and posts when making important decisions? How would you feel if someone looked at your social media to decide something important about you?

Some people might look at your online activity before making decisions, like hiring you for a job. It’s important to think about what you post and whether it shows the real you.


What is a phishing scam, and why should you be careful, like when crossing the street? If crossing the street needs caution, so does avoiding phishing scams. Can you explain what a phishing scam is?

A phishing scam is when someone tries to trick you into giving them your personal information by pretending to be someone you trust. You should be as careful as crossing a busy street—always look both ways before you click!


What is the name of the famous video game character who saves Princess Peach?



Switzerland is famous for producing which two high-quality products?

Chocolate and watches


What does ‘HTTPS’ stand for, and why is it like a superhero for websites?

HTTPS stands for "Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure." It’s like a superhero because it protects your data by encrypting it so hackers can’t steal it.


How do sneaky apps keep an eye on you even when you’re not using them?

Sneaky apps can keep an eye on you even when you’re not using them by running in the background and collecting data. They might track your location, monitor your activity, or access your phone’s sensors like the microphone or camera without you knowing. They do this by getting permissions when you install them, so it’s important to check what permissions an app is asking for and only allow what’s necessary for the app to function.


What are the traps in online buying and selling, and how can you stay safe as a shopper or seller? Imagine you’re in a marketplace online. What are some traps you might find, and how would you avoid them?

Traps include fake listings, sellers who disappear after getting paid, or buyers who trick you into giving more money. You can stay safe by using trusted platforms and reading reviews.


In 2004, a social media site was launched from a Harvard dorm room. What’s its name now?



Which large lake borders both Switzerland and France?

Lac Léman or Geneva Lake
