Ontario Fun Facts
Ontario Food and Culture
The Iroquois Tribe & The Three Sisters
Thickeners and Pasta

What fraction of people in Canada live in Ontario?



What were the main crops that the Scottish settlers grew?

Wheat and Oats


What were the main crops that the Iroquois tribe grew? 

  • 5 different types of corn, and
    over 60 varieties of beans

  • Other crops included cucumber, squashes, melons, and sunflowers 


What is a roux?

Mixture of equal parts fat and flour.  Used as a thickener in sauces.


What drink made from fermented grapes is produced in the Niagra region?



True or False: Ontario has the smallest Indigenous population in Canada

False: More aboriginal people live in Ontario than any other province


Why were the Iroquois people such good farmers?

Their farming success can be attributed to their extensive knowledge and understanding of plant breeding, planting techniques, and methods of fertilization 


Traditionally, what flour is used to make pasta and why?

Semolina- flour used to make pasta- made from durum wheat which has a higher protein and gluten content than all-purpose flour, making it a strong choice for pasta and pizza.


What is the name of the film festival that is held every year in this province?

Toronto International Film Festival


What is the subsection of Toronto that has the largest Italian speaking population?

"Little Italy"


What are the main nutritional benefits of the three sisters crops?

  • Corn contains carbohydrates and amino acids

    • Carbohydrates provides the body with energy

    • Amino acids are the building blocks of protein and muscle tissue

  • Beans contain amino acids and when combined with corn make a complete protein

    • Protein is essential for building new cells and repairing injured ones, growth and helps to fight off disease

  • Squash is full of nutrients, such as vitamin A and fiber

    • Vitamin A helps to maintain good eye health

    • Fiber helps the digestive system, lowers bad cholesterol and prevents overeating due to its role in helping us to feel full


What is a white sauce?

Roux based sauce uses milk (cream as a liquid).  Other liquids may be used to thicken this sauce ie: Stock.


What is Shoofly pie and how did it get it's name?

Shoofly Pie = a molasses pie.   The pie may get its name because the sweet molasses odor attracts flies that must be "shooed" away.

What type of food commodities come from Northern region of Ontario and why?

Wild game, fishing and ice fishing. Northern areas are largely unsuitable for agriculture


What is another name for " the three sisters" farming method?

Companion Planting


Name three types of thickeners

starches, eggs, gelatin


Ontario was the first province to join Confederation. In what year did this take place?



How do Indigenous cultures pass on information to younger generations?

  • Oral traditions are the backbone of Indigenous knowledge transfer and storytelling is the method by which much is shared.

  • Stories are also used to teach history, cultural etiquette, and spiritual beliefs.


Explain why The Three Sisters method of farming was so successful?

The three sisters, ‘corn, bean and squash’, were planted together as the combination of these three plants help each of them to produce fully.

  • Corn provides a natural stalk for beans to grow on 

  • Beans absorb nitrogen from the air which transfers into the roots and makes the soil more fertile 

  • Bean vines help stabilize the corn plants so they are less likely to get blown over by wind or ruined by pests

  • Squash is planted around the corn and beans which shades the soil, helps the soil stay moist and provides a natural weed cover


Name 4 types of starches used as thickeners 

  1. Cornstarch- Strongest thickening agent.- Thickening power 2x amount flour. – Produces a translucent gel.

  2.  Wheat flour- Opaque gel

  3. Tapioca- From cassava plant

  4. Arrowroot- From maranta plant.

  5. Sago – Sago palm

  6. Potato flour

  7. Rice flour
