The Archbishop Canterbury who proposed an argument for God's existence.
Who is Anselm?
In the ontological argument God must be a_____ being
What is Gaunilo's analogy to counter Anselm’s argument?
The perfect island.
This Frenchman had his own version of the ontological argument.
Des Cartes
A____ adds new information about the concept.
The three kinds of argument discussed in class.
Teleogical, Cosmological, Ontological
The idea that existence of something is not absolute but dependent on eternal factors.
Gaunilo's main objection emphasizes the distinction between these two ideas of existence.
Conceptual existence and actual existence.
(in mind vs in reality)
What does COGITO ERGO SUM translate to in English?
I think, therefore I am.
Des Cartes uses this analogy to talk about his ontological argument
the triangle with its 180 degrees
What kind of argument is the Anslem ontological argument?
Who is the German philosopher who argues against the ontological argument?
Immanuel Kant-
What analytical tools does Gaunilo use to go against and disprove Anselm's arguement?
The ontological argument is both a deductive and_____ argument.
A priori
What is the analogy that Kant uses to counterargue Anslem's ontological arguement.
100 thalers- real vs fake.
Anselm’s argument relies on this type of reasoning.
A priori reasoning.
What is Kant's main argument?
existence is not predicate
Plantinga's argument is also known as
the modal argument
17th Century
What is Hume's main points of objection to the ontological argument?
The ontological argument is not based on sense experience but rather relies on reason, therefore Hume regarded it as a failure.
He rejected the existence of innate or inbuilt ideas
The main conclusion/ point of Anselm's argument that even an atheist must accept.
An atheist must have an idea of God in their mind to deny His existence.
Anselm's main argument is that things are more perfect if they
exist both in mind and reality
In which century was Gaunilo developing the ontological argument?
11th Century
Plantinga says that God's existence is at least
What analogy does Bertrand Russell use to go against Anslem and what conclusion does he come to?
Existence cannot be a predicate.
If it were, we could argue:
Men exist, Santa Claus is a man, Therefore, Santa Claus exists.