How many rules does OOSP have?
What is 3+5+7?
Spell a word that rhymes with cat?
Rat, hat, bat, sat, pat, etc.
What two colors make green?
Blue and Yellow
What is the first rule at OOSP?
Appropriate noise levels
What is 29+10?
Spell the word to fill in the blank:
Can you please _____ down in your seat?
How many bones are in the human body?
Name all four seasons.
Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter
What is a rule that OOSP has, that is not on the rules paper?
NO toys from home!
How much is a dime worth?
10 cents
Spell the word defined as another way to say, "will not"?
What are the three states of matter?
Solids, liquids, and gases
What is the holiday in July?
Independence Day
What is the 6th rule at OOSP?
NO running inside!
150 minutes
What is the primary gas that plants take in during photosynthesis?
Carbon dioxide
What are the colors of the rainbow, in order?
(Half points if you don't get the correct order)
Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.
What 5 colors are shown on the OOSP rules paper?
Blue, Pink, Purple, Green, and Orange
Caleb is 17 years old. His sister is 12 years younger. How old is Caleb's sister?
5 years old
Spell the name of our state.
What is the main cause of ocean tides?
The Moon’s gravitational pull
What is Miss Grace's favorite color?