(Name the Couple)
My wife gave me a "forbidden fruit" for a snack.
Adam and Eve
I swallowed up Pharaoh and all his soldiers
The Red Sea
In the Christmas story, she "kept all these things and pondered them in her heart"
The greatest commandment in the Bible says, "Love the Lord thy God with all...."
Thy heart, and with all they soul, and with all thy mind
12 entrances to this city
She was my first love, but she became my second wife
Jacob and Rachel
My life and my family's lives were saved by a scarlet thread
He hardened his heart and would not let Israel leave Egypt
He was wise to ask God for an understanding heart to judge the people
Mother of Ishmael
My wife was the winner of a beauty contest
Xerxes and Esther
My bath water was turned to blood
She prayed in her heart for a son and Eli, the priest, told her that God would answer her prayer
Jesus used to this Old Testament example to tell he would be in the heart of the Earth for 3 days
Israelites used to sprinkle blood on door lintels
My wife was a gift from King Saul
David and Michal
Weather forecast if evening sky is red
Fair weather
This couple laughed in their hearts when the angel told them they would have a son in their old age
Abraham and Sarah
God said this man was a man after his own heart
God extended my life 15 years
My husband was speechless when he learned I was pregnant
Zacharias and Elizabeth
God warns us not to even look at this when it is red
He purposed in his heart not to defile himself with a portion of the king's meat or wine
Finish the verse, "Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall...."
See God
Prophet whose wife, Gomer, was unfaithful