Common Incense
Political Prisoners
Tibetan Geography
Banned in China
A Brief History of

A non-profit, grassroots organization that advocates for human rights for Tibetans in Tibet, based in New York.

What is Students for a Free Tibet?


Director of the 2008 documentary film "Leaving Fear Behind", a collection of candid interviews from Tibetans living in Tibet about His Holiness, life in Tibet, and their hopes for his return and for a Free Tibet. He served six years. He now lives in the US with his family.

Who is Dhondup Wangchen?

"Because they want these resources, they use nice words to cheat us like you'd cheat children, to make us move" -- a line from his documentary


The capital city of Tibet.

What is Lhasa?


Starred in Fight Club, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, and Inglorious Basterds. Was married to Angelina Jolie.

Who is Brad Pitt?


The 33rd King of Tibet, known for unifying several Tibetan kingdoms into the Tibetan Empire. Under his rule, written language was introduced to the country.

Who is Songtsen Gampo?


The language spoken in Tibet



A Tibetan businessman who was sentenced to 5 years in Chinese prison for "inciting seperatism" as a result of his activism for Tibetan language preservation. 

Who is Tashi Wangchuk?

“In politics, it’s said that if one nation wants to eliminate another nation, first they need to eliminate their spoken and written language. In effect, there is a systematic slaughter of our culture.”


Kham, Amdo, Ü-Tsang

What are the three historical regions of Tibet?


Singer of Last Friday Night, Teenage Dream, and the artist behind the album Prism. She was married to Russell Brand.

Who is Katy Perry?

She was banned by China indefinitely for displaying the Taiwanese flag during a concert in Taipei in 2015. 



The following symbol, which represents the metaphorical hand of all sentient beings grasping the hand extended by the elements of the natural world to show a respectful and reciprocal relationship, is associated with this sect of Tibetan Buddhism.

What is Kagyu?

"It is first and foremost a symbol that we are not giving up on the earth." - HH Karmapa


What is khapsey?

A Tibetan biscuit


A Tibetan scholar and a published author with long hair who was imprisoned in 2015 for writing about Tibetan freedom. (He has since been released)

Who is Shokjang?

He wrote in one of his published essays: “You may say that you do not want self-determination but you must know that it’s no different from saying you want to be a slave or a serf.”


The birth region of HH the 14th Dalai Lama?

What is Amdo?


This is the Italian American director of such cinema classics as Raging Bull, Goodfellas, and Kundun (1997).

Who is Martin Scorsese?


The date that a revolt erupted in Lhasa, spurring what is now known as the Tibetan uprising.

What is March 10 1959?


The colour of monk and nun robes in Tibet

What are red and yellow?


Renowned Chinese artist and activist detained for 80 days with no communication to outsiders and fined 2.4 million for "tax evasion", although it is no secret that he was a passionate advocate for human rights that spoke against the CCP.

Who is Ai Wei Wei?


The traditional summer palace and surrounding garden of HH the Dalai Lama, located in the capital city.

What is Norbulingka?


The social media app that allows you to share pictures and videos, message your friends, follow your favourite celebrities -- and leave comments.

What is instagram?

The CCP has alternatives for popular apps like Instagram, Facebook, and Google (plus Google owned Youtube) that abide by their harsh censorship laws, that allow them to surveil their population's every online move. 


Often called "Tibetan Opera", this form of oral story telling is one of the oldest examples of theatre in the world, with many of the traditional stories surviving hundreds of years. 

What is Lhamo?

The average elevation of Tibet

What is approx. 4500 m?

The peak of Mount Elbert, which is the highest point in the Rocky Mountains (and therefore North America) is 4400m

A Chinese writer, activist, and Nobel Peace Prize laureate (2010), jailed for sharing ideas of democracy that did not comply with the CCP. He was jailed for eight years before being granted medical parole for his liver cancer, during which he passed away.

Who is Liu Xiaobo?

“Those who flee freedom live on
but their souls die in fear
Those who thirst for freedom die
but their souls live on in resistance”
― Liu Xiaobo, June Fourth Elegies


The first palace ever built in Tibet in the 2nd century  for the first Tibetan King Nyatri Tsanpo.

What is Yumbu Lhakhang?


A honey-loving cartoon bear based on the character by A.A. Milne. 

What is Winnie the Pooh?

This lovable character was banned after users on Chinese website Weibo made memes comparing him to Xi Jin Ping.


Losar is Tibetan New Year and follows the lunar calendar, but what is it commemorating? (This year makes 2146) 

The year of the enthronement of the first Tibetan King, Nyatri Tsenpo.
