When is Pastor Hoon's birthday? (With year)
Feb 16, 1994
Which Exchange staff member was from UCLA?
Pastor Hoon
Who is the oldest menace?
Grace Chang
When was open door established (math!!!)
What is the capital of Indonesia
What is Pastor Hoon's Brother's name?
Hyun Kang
How many Lee's are at UCLA?
5 (Jinhee, Esther, Victor, Hayne, Sam)
Who are the current Exchange staff are from USC?
Matt Cho, Huong, Austin
What does TSM mean and what is it?
Transformers Student Ministry - youth group
Who was the fourth US President?
James Madison
Where was Pastor Hoon born?
Who was JJ's roommate last year?
Esther Lee
How many miles is USC from Open Door? (Can round up)
6.8 (7) miles
Who is the second oldest Exchange Staff
Pastor Hoon
What is the national bird of Canada
What is Pastor's Hoon's mom's maiden name?
Where is Michael Moon working (company) this summer?
What is Kelly (Kim) middle name?
What is the Open Door address
1218 S Fairfax Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90019
Who performed in the 2015 Super Bowl?
Katy Perry
What is Pastor Hon's favorite book of the Bible?
1 John
What is Sophie Kim's favorite food?
What is Theo Kim's License Plate (have to only name 3 #s or letters in a row)
What is the name of the KM Pastor
Hun Sung Park
How much was an in n out hamburger in 2001