God has always been this. This never fails. Showed by sending His son as Savior.
What is Love?
This step is "think & shrink" and can use hashtags, emojis, drawings, symbols.
What is Content?
Describes the truth that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are one God.
What is the Trinity?
Built an ark to save his family.
Who was Noah?
The sign of God's promise to never again destroy the whole earth with a flood.
What is a rainbow?
Present everywhere at all time, nowhere in the physical universe or spiritual world where God is not.
What is Omnipresent?
Factual summary of the passage. Condenses the Scripture passage. Has a subject and verb.
What is the Sentence?
God's truth, taught in words by the Holy Spirit to His prophets and apostles.
What is the Bible?
The family line of Jesus came through this wife of Jacob.
Who is Leah?
There were not even 10 people who loved and trusted God in these 2 cities.
Where is Sodom and Gomorrah?
Leads us in the way we should go. Teaches us how we are to live and think. Without this, we will stumble and fall like people in the dark.
What is Guide?
Shares how the main truths affects changes my heart, my motives, my actions, and my life.
What is Application?
The Holy Spirit's work of growing us to be like Jesus.
What is Sanctification?
When God tested him, he offered Isaac as a sacrifice.
Who is Abraham?
The name of the tree Adam and Eve were instructed not to eat from.
What is the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil?
Has no beginning and no end, always existed and always will. Has no 'size', no limits of any kind. There is no way to measure.
What is Infinite?
I learned this about God, Jesus, and/or the Holy Spirit from the passage.
What is Truth?
Every thought, word and deed that is contrary to the will of God.
What is sin?
Said, "The serpent deceived me, and I ate."
Who was Eve?
The name of the tower the people wanted to build to reach heaven and make a name for themselves.
Where is the Tower of Babel?
Total of all His attributes. Displayed in the beauty and wisdom of creation. Jesus Christ reveals this completely.
What is Glory?
Narrowing the content to remember details of the passage, grouping verses, facts only into complete sentences.
What are Divisions?
God's powerful kindness poured out on the undeserving.
What is Grace?
Gave God's blessing to Jacob as he sent him away to Paddan-aram to live with Laban and find a wife.
Who is Isaac?
The name of the land God promised to Abraham's descendants.
Where is Canaan?