Where do you place a CRC white label?
NEXT TO the barcode of the item, ensuring both the CRC white label and the items barcode can BOTH be scanned.
At what point are our financials impacted by a salvage item? (when do we get the "credit" for processing an item as salvage?)
Once the item is processed in the POS or zebra as salvage financials are removed from the stores inventory
When Culling in market when do you process the defective in the zebra?
As you pull the items off the floor aka as you go. You should not remove the items and process later. As you process you sort it into your Compost green bin/bag OR your box for donation.
What is L.I.S.A.?
Look Inside Always- at SCO or regular register we should verify that items are not placed inside other containers, bags etc. This doesn't necessarily mean a guest is trying to be dishonest, someone else may have placed the item there (inclusive of flow center)
Does a bad RFID scan cause shortage?
NO, RFID scans alone do not cause shortage. If a team member incorrectly scans RFID it could impact price accuracy which in turn can lead to missed markdowns and shortage if that bad scan was conducted during a markdown week.
What happens if I accidently place a salvage stickered item on the CRC pallet?
SHORTAGE- anything without a SCANNABLE CRC white label will not be processed
Does all Salvage have a white salvage label on it?
NO, price change salvage and missed salvage no longer prints a salvage sticker to adhere to the items.
What is an important step to remember when Culling in meat?
Verifying if the meat is sold by the each or by the LB, if sold by the LB you will enter how many LBs the package is that is being defected versus how many packages/eaches you are defecting
When returning an item it processes as an "offline defective". what are you next steps and why?
Connect to a portable printer and process this item as defective. Failure to do so will result in Shortage as this item has not yet been processed as a defective through the POS process. Follow-up by ensuring your register is linked to a portable printer for future defective returns.
What are some items you may see come in DSD (direct to store) deliveries? (Fed-ex/UPS)
Video games/entertainment, Jewelry (D207)
When do I use a yellow CRC sticker?
Yellow CRC stickers are used ONLY for boxes filled with MULTIPLE CRC items. They should not be placed on single items. AKA if you have placed a CRC white label on a box there will never also be a CRC yellow sticker placed on that box.
When price change salvage is processed incorrectly when is the shortage realized?
Shortage from incorrect salvage processing is realized during annual inventory. At the time of salvage the shortage is uncovered.
When taking an ADSD vendor delivery how do you audit for accuracy of the delivery?
You first must acknowledge the delivery. Once acknowledged the vendor will print the itemized copy of your delivery. You will then use that itemized list to verify what was actually received. You then can create a chat bot for disputing the discrepancy.
Does using the no barcode option at POS result in Shortage?
YES/potentially. It results in unidentified sales, and may lead to missed sales if the item is keyed in at a lower price than its actual price. No barcode should only be used as a last resort.
If I receive a direct to store shipment of Jewelry from UPS where should I take it?
Receiver or style team members should be responsible for using the receive app to systematically receive these items. If unavailable best practice is to deliver to the SD to place them in the reverse logistics lock up.
When do I receive "credit" for the items sent out for CRC?
When they have been scanned at the CRC. We are financially responsible for all CRC items until they get scanned at CRC.
How many IRs can be sent within one case/box?
One, all IRs need to be shipped separately
What is best practice for frequency of vendor credits being processed?
Vendors should be processing credits WEEKLY. otherwise this should be escalated to the vendors District manager.
If a guest is returning an electronics item with a receipt and the item is above $99 and has shrink wrap on it how would you proceed?
Inform the guest that you need to validate the serial number on the item matches the receipt in order to complete the return. Shrink wrap is not considered a "factory seal" so it will be removed to validate the item itself has the correct serial number. (Versus a factory sealed item that we would not open and validate the serial number off the packaging. Factory seal=internal seals film and tape around the item or sealed tabs)
Is there a limit to how many transfers can be placed in one SWEEP trailer?
Yes, only one transfer number should be added into a trailer. The DC can only receive under one transfer number. sending multiple transfers per trailer could lead to receiving issues at the DC and possible shortage.
What does CRC stand for?
Central Return Center
If I have completed an IR but find Item(s) from that IR later how should I proceed?
You should submit a chat bot (Path: Product | Product quality, safety and recall IR) and ask for a new IR to be issued. This ensures units are processed through the system.
What is an ADSD vendor? and what does ADSD stand for?
Acknowledge Direct Shipment Vendor- "preferred Vendors" that do not require a manual count upon delivery
*If a system audit drops for an ADSD vendor and a discrepancy is found YOUR OH AND FINANCIALS ARE NOT AUTOMATICALLY UPDATED
How do we get credit for a returned Target Plus item?
Target Plus items will prompt at register as a CRC or as a Toss. CRC sticker will automatically print if this is the correct disposition. From there regular CRC steps must be followed. (CRC will send the item back to the correct vendor) Target Plus items should not be repackaged for sale in store!
What is a wrong item in carton formerly mispick? and how do you proceed when you find one?
Items inside of a carton/box do not match the pick label on the carton/box. To correct: scan the carton label, select wrong item in carton and follow prompts to update data for the carton label item and actual carton contents.