whos' job is it?
Why bother?
I see you
Red flags
This nurse is responsible for the smooth flow of the OR and watches everything to ensure patient safety and that the sterile field is maintained.
What is circulating nurse
If you don’t bother to do this properly prior to entering the OR the patient can get a severe post operative infection.
What is coorect surgical scrub?
This medication has a primary advantage of amnestic or amnesic effect
What is midazolam or versed?
A contagious inflammation to the extraocular portion of the eye; also known as “pink eye”
What is Conjunctivitis?
Your patient complains of pain in the leg and you see on exam that one leg is bigger than the other and is reddened and warm to the touch. These are red flags for this post operative complication.
What is DVT (deep leg thrombosis)
This nurse scrubs for surgery, sets up sterile field,prepares instruments, assists the surgeon, and counts instruments and sponges
What is the scrub nurse.
If you don’t bother to do this properly for the patient in the OR, the patient can get pain, wounds, and nerve damage following surgery.
What is proper patient positioning?
This class of medications causes respiratory depression as one of it’s side effects.
What is the narcotics or opioid narcotics?
You would immediately IRRIGATE after sustaining this kind of eye injury
What is Chemical Eye Trauma?
Your patient complains that they got up and they felt a “pop” with increased pain at their abdominal surgical site. These are red flags for this post operative complication.
What is wound dehiscence?
This nurse accepts the patient from the OR after surgery and is responsible for safely recovering the patient.
What is PACU nurse
If you don’t bother to do this the patient can have an allergic reaction to latex products, betadine or anesthetic agents
What is check the patient's allergies?
This medication is given for malignant hypertermia.
What is dantrolene?
The patient has a cloudy, irregularly shaped pupil with loss of visual acuity
What is Cataract
Your patient complains of pain in the their chest, that they “can’t catch their breath” and they “feel anxious”. These are red flags for this post operative complication
What is pulmonary embolus or PE?
This nurse an RN with a Masters Degree who provides anesthesia for the patient undergoing surgery
What is the nurse anesthetist
If you don’t bother to keep your “gloved hands” above waist level you “break” this
What is the sterile field?
This medication is over the counter, is taken for pain relief, affects platelets for 7 days and can cause bleeding in surgery and should usually be stopped a week before surgery.
What is aspirin?
A group of eye drops that are used to DILATE the eye.
What is Cycloplegics?
Your patient complains of chills and generalized aching. They have an elevated temp, a increased pulse rate, and on exam the wound is swollen, warm and tender, with purulent exudate. These are red flags for this post operative complication.
What is infection?
This person is ultimately responsible to obtain the surgical consent from the patient.
What is the surgeon?
If you don’t bother to do this with your post operative patient, they have increased risk for DVT, PE and Pneumonia
What is ambulate your patients!!!!
Given to decrease the clotting ablity of the blood. This is not typically monitored by lab work unlike coumadin and heaprin.
What is Lovenox (enoxaparin)
This is an sudden, EMERGENCY eye problem that requires immediate intervention and the administration of MIOTIC eye drops
What is Closed-angle Glaucoma?
Your patient complains of feeling short of breath, dizzy and has an increased pulse rate with low blood pressure on morning vital signs. These are red flags for this post operative complication.
What is hemorrhaging?