A belief, feeling, or thought that someone has about something and is not provable.
What is the definition of an opinion?
A sentence that grabs the audiences attention.
What is a hook?
A sentence that states why you think that your opinion is correct.
What is a reason?
A statement that goes against your opinion.
What is an oposing view?
Saying something again, but using different words.
What is restating?
Something that is true and can be proven with evidence.
What is the definition for a fact?
A sentence that states what your opinion is.
What is an Opinion Sentece/Claim
Sentences based on true information gathered from research
What is Examples?
A sentence that shows readers why your opinion makes more sense then the opposing view.
What is a rebuttal?
Reste Opinion Restate reasons, and leave readers with a final though.
What are needed in the conclusion paragraph?
What is an opinion?
Ask a Question, Give an intresting fact, or Share an experience.
Quotes used to support examples and reasons in the body paragraph.
Roblox has millions of games to choose from.
What is a fact?
Opposing or Direct
Types of Opinion sentences
A reason that does not connect back to the opinion sentence.
What is off topic?
Nachos are better then tacos.
What is an Opinion?
Hook and Opinion Statement
What are the two parts needed in an Introduction paragraph?
Combining examples to support your reason.
What makes your example stronger?