Where does opium comes from?
The opium poppy plant.
Fentanyl is an opioid.
TRUE It is a man-made opioid.
Why are fake Percocets and other types of fake pills a problem?
Because they contain fentanyl and fentanyl can kill you.
What is the name of the chemical in marijuana that makes you high?
What is THC?
It's legal to smoke pot outside anywhere in DC.
How do opioids cause death?
By stopping your breathing.
Fentanyl is easier to make than heroin.
TRUE It is made in the lab and doesn't have to be grown and then harvested.
If a pill looks like a blue Percocet pill but I bought it on the street or online, is it safe?
I wouldn't bet on it! If that pill is a fake pill (meaning it has fentanyl in it), that pill has a 50% chance to have enough fentanyl to kill you.
Marijuana hurts the fetus
It's ok for anyone of any age to grow their own marijuana or smoke it at home.
FALSE Only adults over 21 will not be prosecuted for this.
Why are opioids named opioids?
Because they are related to opium, either in origin or function.
How much fentanyl does it take to kill you?
2mg For an average adult.
If someone is overdosing from a pill that contains fentanyl, what can you give them to reverse the overdose?
Marijuana can't hurt your stomach or give you stomach aches or make you vomit.
FALSE Patients who smoke high THC products frequently have presented to the emergency department because they can’t stop vomiting and have intense abdominal pain. What is this called?
It's legal to sell marijuana in DC if it's a small amount.
FALSE It is illegal to sell any amount of marijuana.
All opioids are addictive.
Name three drugs that fentanyl is commonly mixed with.
Xanax, OxyContin, Adderall and Vicodin are all opioids.
FALSE Xanax and Adderall are not opioids
although OxyContin and Vicodin are.
It doesn't matter how much THC is in marijuana or an edible. It's all fine and doesn't do much harm.
FALSE Can you explain why it matters?
It's legal to smoke 25% marijuana products in Holland.
FALSE Holland reclassified marijuana that is 15% or higher as a hard drug like heroin and cocaine, which are both illegal.
What are the names of the two natural opioids (found in opium) made by the opium poppy plant?
Morphine and Codeine
Fentanyl is ____times stronger than heroin.
If someone says one of their friends who is overdosing "just took adderall" should you still try to use Narcan to revive them? Why?
YES Because they could have taken what they thought was an Adderall pill but it really was one of those fake pills the cartels make with only fentanyl inside. And Narcan can help with the fentanyl.
A study in England found that marijuana users who used marijuana with higher than 15% THC resulted in a three times increased risk of psychosis,
and if the use was daily there was a five times increased risk.
Those using a different type of marijuana product with <5% THC did not show psychotic symptoms.
What can you conclude for yourself from that data?
Marijuana is legal in DC.
FALSE Marijuana is decriminalized in DC.
DECRIMINALIZATION just means that marijuana remains illegal, but the legal system does not prosecute a person for certain actions in relations to it: possession under a specific amount, here in DC it is 2 oz's. An adult will also not be prosecuted for growing a small amount (I think it is 2 plants) in their home or smoking marijuana in their home. These actions however, remain illegal. The police is just not going to arrest an adult or give them a ticket for them.
It remains a crime under D.C. law for anyone to:
1. Possess more than two ounces of marijuana
2. Smoke or consume marijuana on public space (parks, streets, alleys, sidewalks) or anywhere to which the public is invited – including restaurants and bars or
3. Sell marijuana.
In addition, marijuana and any activity related to it remains FULLY ILLEGAL in any DC Federal Land like the National Mall, Dupont Circle Park, Fort Dupont Park, Pennsylvania Avenue...and more! DC has over 30 national parks and national park properties!