The abbreviation MCL stands for _______.
What is Multi-Classroom Leader?
This is a highly qualified paraprofessional who provides release time for other teachers.
What is a Reach Associate (RA)?
OC must provide protected, in-school _____ for planning, collaboration, and development.
What is time?
The Opportunity Culture commitment is to reach ________ with excellent teaching consistently.
What is all students?
Partial-release MCLs are not accountable for all results for all of the team's students, just the class of record's student results.
Both partial-release and full-release MCLs are accountable for all of the team's results for students.
MCLs spend their time typically observing and debriefing, leading the team, providing in-class supports, and __________.
What is teaching students directly?
This is an OC teacher who extends reach directly with help from innovative scheduling, RA or resident support, and digital instruction.
What is a Team Reach Teacher (TRT)?
[Sometimes called Direct Reach Teachers or Expanded Impact Teachers depending on the district]
Increases in pay must be funded through ______ budgets.
What is regular?
(Will also accept "current")
Opportunity Culture is a _______ initiative.
What is national?
Excellent teachers advance in an Opportunity Culture by moving up and out of the classroom.
In an Opportunity Culture, excellent teachers have an expanded career ladder and opportunities while remaining in the classroom.
It is recommended that MCLS manage a team of no more than _____ teachers.
What is eight?
Which role is considered the foundation of an Opportunity Culture?
What is Multi-Classroom Leaders (MCLs)?
Opportunity Culture measures its success based against three measures; ____, ______, and _____.
What is results, reach, and relationships?
Opportunity Culture aims for _____ percentile growth for students.
What is 75th?
A challenge that schools today face is that students lose excellent teachers to district jobs and other careers that pay more.
A MCL that typically receives release time from an Reach Associate is a ____-release MCL.
What is a partial-release?
This is an OC teacher who leads and develops a team of adults.
What is a Multi-Classroom Leader (MCL)?
OC models must _____ more students with excellent teachers and their teams.
What is reach?
Teacher should be ________ for extending their reach.
What is paid more?
Opportunity culture is a program.
Opportunity Culture is a commitment.
A MCL that does not have a class of record is called a _____ MCL.
What is a full-release MCL?
This OC teacher reaches significantly more students and/or coaches another teacher on the team.
What is a Master Team Reach Teacher (MTRT)?
Public Impact's mission is to dramatically improve learning outcomes for all students, with a focus on ______.
What is low-income students, students of color, and other students whose needs have historically not been met?
In an Opportunity Culture, teams of teachers and school leaders provide protected in-school time and clarity for how to use it for __________.
What is planning, collaboration, and development?
The primary role of a Team Reach Teacher is to teach and reach more students.