What is Opposite Action?
OPPOSITE ACTION (or Opposite Action to Emotion) is a skill we use when we recognize our emotions are leading to urges to act ineffectively. We can bring our intense emotions back to baseline by choosing (sometimes we have to choose more than once) to act OPPOSITE of our emotional urge.
Urges we may have when we're sad or lonely
_______ (many answers: some possibilities include isolation, avoidance, self-harm) - "vegging," withdrawing, turning inward and becoming passive.
I'm super angry because someone is threatening me. My urge is to tell them off in front of everyone so they won't mess with me again.
Name a time recently when you used Opposite Action effectively.
Define SMART Goals
S = Specific
M = Measurable
A = Appealing
R = Realistic
T = Time-bound
What questions can I ask myself when I'm emotional to see if it's a good time to use Opposite Action?
Does my emotion fit the situation?
Does the intensity of my emotion fit the situation?
Am I having an urge to do something ineffective?
Urges we may have when we're angry
__________ - generally our anger urges involve the FIGHT in fight/flight/freeze. This could be aggressive language, yelling, passive aggression/sarcasm, slamming doors, cold shoulder - or turning the "attack" urge on ourselves (shame) using substances, self-harm, etc.
While I'm eating lunch, I see my significant other talking and laughing with a very attractive friend of mine across the room. I feel intensely jealous and want to question them and tell them to spend less time talking to that person.
Name a time recently that you acted on an urge when opposite action would have been more effective.
What is behavioral activation?
Behavioral Activation is a specific treatment for depression that is based on the idea that our mood and behaviors are tightly linked. Behavioral activation works by first changing our behaviors in order to change the emotions and thoughts later.
Name another skill we use to examine our emotions before we use OA.
Urges we may have when we're jealous
_________ - jealousy urges usually have to do with regaining control - making someone feel less important so WE don't feel less important, or removing someone else's choices so we feel they can't hurt us.
When I try to explain to my mom that my depression is hard to manage right now, she's irritated and says some invalidating things. I want to cry in bed, turn on sad songs, and ruminate about my feelings in texts to my friends.
What's an example of a time when using Opposite Action would NOT be effective?
When we feel FEAR (not anxiety) because of an actual threat to our safety, the APPROACH action is not a good idea!
Define TRAP/TRAC cycles
T = Triggers (stressful life events, changes, etc.)
R = (Emotional) Responses (painful feelings)
AP = Avoidance Patterns (behavioral responses)
AC = Active Coping (behavioral responses)
True or False: Opposite Action, if we do it right, is an action we will only need to do once in a situation.
FALSE. Oftentimes it takes more than one use of *any* skill before we can bring our emotion to a level that matches the situation. Be patient with yourself!
Urges we may have when we feel shame
_______ - shame urges usually prompt us to hide, avoid, or withdraw.
Because I've been busy with treatment, sports, and school, I've spent less time with friends recently, and a friend confronts me to tell me she's upset because I didn't "make a big enough deal" out of her birthday. I feel ashamed and like a disappointment, and have the urge to isolate and self-harm.
It's important to use Opposite Action radically or "all the way." What does this mean?
Our behaviors, words and thinking match; we complete the whole action and don't use cop-outs; we keep trying if it doesn't work the first time (or use a different skill)
What are the 4 communication styles?
Passive, aggressive, passive-aggressive, assertive.
What are some obstacles to using OA?
Willfulness, physical state, being in emotion mind/not being mindful, etc.
Urges we may have with intense positive feelings? (think about being super excited, happy, having a crush...)
_______ - positive feelings can bring out impulsive urges ("I just got paid, time to buy ALL the shoes"). While love is a positive emotion, it can also create urges to discard healthy boundaries (changing our appearance to impress someone, rescuing behaviors, staying up all night texting someone to keep their attention)
At school, I meet a new friend who is also in treatment in a different program but struggling with similar issues to mine. This friend is awesome to spend time with and really seems to get me. She also brings me her problems frequently. Because I really care about her and want her as a friend, I have the urge to brainstorm lots of solutions for her and promise to come get her if she needs help, no matter what.
Define an "ineffective" behavior or response.
What is symptom accommodation?
Symptom accommodation takes place when individuals accommodate, or make it easier for someone to engage in behaviors consistent with their psychological disorder.