Define illusion
Distortion of normal interpretation of stimuli.
What's this?
Kanizsa Triangle
What Jasmin says when she leaves.
Hasta La Pasta.
Define the types of illusions.
Definition of Auditory
Definition of Tactile
Definition of Optic
Explain why the Ponzo Illusion Works.
remember depth cues in sensation and perception?
Ponzo illusion is like railroad tracks
The horizontal lines must get smaller since the vertical(ish) lines are getting closer to each other as they get closer to the horizon
Name this illusion.
The Muller-Lyer Illusion.
What is Psychology?
Psychology is the scientific study of the mind and behavior.
Why does this work?
This is a 2-dimensional figure - she’s really not even spinning. It’s just black shifting on a gray background.
What are the colors in your color vision?
magenta, blue, red, cyan, green, red, and yellow.
What are the 3 theories as to why this destroys our perception?
1. Size Constancy
-Misapplication of size constancy
2. The Depth Cute Explanation
-Looking at things like Wall A usually means they’re closer, therefore bigger
3. Outward fins (>--<) makes us think the fins are a continuation of the middle line, thereby making us think it’s longer (opposite for the inward fins (<-->) - they’re separate line segments in our “minds” #consciousness)
What does the Zollner Illusion look like?
Describe it.
Define a Negative Afterimage
a visual afterimage in which light portions of the original sensation are replaced by dark portions and dark portions are replaced by light portions.
Why does this illusion work?
(hint: lateral something, explain)
Lateral inhibition:
Regions of retina → 1 views intersection of white horizontal line, 2 views white band between two intersections
Intersection: light coming from all four sides
White band between intersection: surrounded by dark sides
Lateral inhibition causes bright surrounded by dark to appear brighter, dark surrounded by light to appear darker → so depending on what you’re focused on, different dots will appear different colors