Social Support

This can cause someone to jump from topic to topic. This may be noticed when someone is “blocked,” in the middle of a thought, or when a person mixes up words.

Thought Disorder/Disorganized Thinking


Some days, I feel so great that no one is able to keep up with me and I get agitated. Whatever goes up must come down. So sometimes I feel so low I can’t get out of bed. What diagnosis am I?

Bipolar Disorder


What is stigma?

Biases or negative beliefs based on wrong information.


Why is developing social support important?

To increase your access to people who will support you. They can identify early warning signs or help prevent relapses. (etc)


What kind of medication treats psychotic symptoms?

Antipsychotic Medication


This symptom can involve staring blankly, not responding or noticing others, not speaking, or remaining motionless for hours at a time.



It feels like “I’m dreaming, while I’m wide awake”. Sometimes, I see things that people tell me are not there. Sometimes I hear people, clear as day, but no one is with me. Symptoms have been present for 6 months. I haven't used any substances. What diagnosis am I?



Sally was speaking with Bob. 

Bob: I heard that someone with mental disorders are dangerous and hostile.

Sally: I was reading an article about how that is actually false information. Media sensationalizes the stories of people. And they misrepresent the population of those with Mental Health needs.

This is an example of what way to combat stigma?

Correcting misinformation without disclosing her story.


What are the two ways you can gain social support?

1. Rebuild/maintain old relationships

2. Meet new people


True or False.

Medication will cure me of my disorder for good.

False. Medication will help level out a chemical imbalance and help to manage symptoms. 

Symptoms can decrease or go away but medication doesn't cure mental disorders.


This is the highest highs of cycling moods. Often a person will start off happy and overly excited leading them to take part in more risky behavior and to become easily agitated.



I feel responsible for things that are not my fault. I feel like eating everything in sight some days, and others I sleep almost all day. Leaving the security of my dark room seems impossible. I feel lowly and worthless, sometimes I think I'm better off not being here anymore. What is my diagnosis?



Sally was speaking with Bob. 

Bob: I heard that someone with mental disorders are dangerous and hostile.

Sally: You know I struggle with Bipolar Disorder. Sometimes, I can get too excited and make some risky choices. But I'm not dangerous or hostile. I have good days and I have rough days but I'm still me. 

How did Sally combat stigma?

Selectively disclosing her own experiences.


Where are three good places to meet new people?

Peer support groups, NA/AA (or other support programs), Coffee shop, work, school, park, library, at leisure activities, etc.


What kind of medication helps treat cycling moods?

Mood Stabilizers


This group of symptoms is characterized by a “lack of” expression, motivation, and pleasure. These symptoms are noticed when someone stops participating in things that typically show off who they are.

Negative Symptoms


Everything seems like so much and too many people are overwhelming. I am terrified to raise my hand or volunteer to read because then everybody is staring at me. I am always expecting the worst. I feel this sense of impending doom all of the time. What is my diagnosis?

Anxiety Disorder


Sally was speaking with Bob about moving into a new apartment. 

Bob: I heard that someone with mental disorders are dangerous and hostile, I would never rent to them.

Sally: That actually is illegal under the Fair Housing Act. You can't dismiss someone's application because they have a disability. Even a mental health disorder. 

What did Sally do to combat stigma?

She is aware of her legal rights.


How can you improve new and old relationships?

Compliment them, share interests, ask personal questions, share personal stories, engage in fun activities, Etc.


What kind of medication can take less time to work (1-2 hours) and can sometimes be addictive due to its chemical makeup?

Antianxiety Medication


This set of symptoms can cause a person to believe things that are not based in reality. They can cause people to sense things that are not there, or even to think in confusing ways.



Who diagnosed you before you came to Maple Lane?

The forensic evaluator.


Why is it important to learn about your symptoms and diagnosis?

It helps you advocate for yourself and prevent stigma.


What do you do if someone says they are your friend, but their actions tell you otherwise?

If they care about you then they will show it. Not just say it. Remember you deserve to be treated with respect and compassion.


What are PRN's?

Medication you have to ask for, in the moment, as needed. Not routinely given to you by the nurse. One you have to ask for and give a reason to why you need it.
