aircraft drawings
weight and balance
fluid lines and fittings

where is the title block usually found on an aircraft drawing?

Lower right corner


what is the purpose of weight and balance control

for safety and effiency in flight


in the early days of aviation, what tubing material was used extensively in aviation fluid applications?

copper tubing


when is a full section view used on an aircraft drawing?

When interior construction or hidden features of an object cannot be shown clearly by exterior views.


how would a negative moment be obtained forward of the datum?

by adding weight


What is a sketch for a repair?

basic drawing that shows specific info and provides the minimum detail needed to manufacture a part.


The weight and balance system commonly emloyed among aircraft consists of 3 equally important elements

weighing of aircraft, maintaining weight and balance records, and proper loading


What types of lines are used on aircraft drawings to indicate hidden views, center lines, and alternate position lines?

hidden view- medium-width line made up of short dashes. represents an edge that cannot be seen when looking at a part from a specific position

Center lines - thin lines composed of alternating long and short dashes and are used to indicate the center of an object or void

Alternate position- medium width lines 1 long and 2 short evenly spaced dashes. They are used to show the alternate position of a part or relative position


what is meant by residual fuel

it is the fuel remaining in the tanks, sumps, lines, and engine after draining. it IS part of the aircraft's empty weight


what information is given in the title block of a blueprint?

drawing number, name of part, scale, the date, name of draftsman, the checker, and approving official


what is an aircraft loading graph?

a method for determining load distribution so that the aircraft remains within its operating CG range
