It is recommended you brush your teeth __ times a day
what is 2
what instrument is used in oral care
what is a toothbrush?
A decayed part of the tooth
What is a cavity?
Complications in oral care are known for causing harm to what system?
What is the Cardiovascular System?
How often should you get a dental cleaning?
What is 6 months
what motion do you use when brushing your teeth
What is a circular motion?
What does dry mouth lead to?
What is difficulty chewing, swallowing, and talking
How long does it take for chewing tobacco to begin to cause gum disease and precancerous lesions
What is 3-4 months
Tap water in many states of the US have this substance to protect teeth from decay
What is Fluoride
what do you put on your toothbrush
What is toothpaste?
A serious gum infection that can degrade the jawbone if left untreated
What is Periodontal Disease (Gum disease)
Dry mouth caused by medications is called..
What is xerostomia?
Including third-year molars, (wisdom teeth) this is the number of molars there are in a mouth
What is 12
how long should you brush your teeth for?
What is 2 minutes?
95% of American adults with this disease also have periodontal disease
What is Diabetes
When excess minerals such as calcium carbonate and calcium phosphate gather in the salivary glands, they pose a risk for what to form? How can you avoid this?
What are salivary stones. These can be prevented by proper hydration and semi regular mouthwash
What is the name of the microorganism that cause the most oral complications
what is Plaque
does brushing your teeth get rid of cavities?
What is no?
Besides oral cancer, this is the most common type of cancer found in patients with poor oral health
What is Pancreatic cancer
What are three possible risks involved when you get an oral piercing
What is... (List 3 of the following) Cracked or chipped teeth, nerve damage, severe bleeding, choking on loops or hoops (the piercing itself), swelling, and infection