Parts of Speech
Philosophy & Strategies

Pronounce each word correctly:

1. economy

2. economic

3. economical

1. economy

2. economic

3. economical


Identify the prefix and root word in this vocabulary word, and then guess the meaning: 


prefix: trans = across

root: atlantic = Atlantic Ocean

transatlantic = crossing the Atlantic Ocean

examples: transatlantic flight, transatlantic communications


“Electric” is an adjective. Name two other words that come from this word, but have different parts of speech, and name the part of speech. (noun, verb, or adverb)

electrical (adjective)

electrically (adverb)

electrify (verb)

electrician (noun - person)

electricity (noun - thing)


Complete the sentence, using the correct past tense form of the verbs in parentheses: 

“She ________ (to cook) dinner in the kitchen, when suddenly the smoke alarm ______ (to go) off.”

She was cooking dinner in the kitchen, when suddenly the smoke alarm went off.


What does it mean when we say that English is a lingua franca?

It is a language that people from different places use to communicate, but it may not be the first language of those speakers.

A lingua franca is used by millions of speakers across many different countries. In some cases, it may be one of the "official languages" of many countries, even though it is not a native language to those countries.


Pronounce each word correctly:

1. politics

2. political

3. politician

1. politics

2. political

3. politician


Identify the prefix, root, and suffix in this vocabulary word, and then guess the meaning: 


prefix: re = again

root: hydra = water

suffix: ate = action/verb

rehydrate = to drink more water in order to replenish the water that has been lost from the body


“Beauty” is a noun. Name two other words that come from this word, but have different parts of speech, and name the part of speech. (adjective, verb, or adverb)

beautiful (adjective)

beautifully (adverb)

beautify (verb)


Complete the sentence, using the correct past tense form of the verbs in parentheses: 

“They ______ (to invite) her to the concert, but she _____ already ______ (to see) that band play before, so she didn’t go with them.”

They invited her to the concert, but she had already seen that band play before, so she didn’t go with them.


What is one good method of learning intonation?

Possible answers:

1. Learn specific rules and patterns for syllable stress and sentence intonation.

2. Listen to native speakers and imitate what you hear.

3. Practice speaking out loud more, and read aloud lists of words with similar stress patterns. This will help you develop a natural feel for intonation over time.


Read the tongue twister with correct "th" sounds: 

“Thirty three thousand people think that Thursday is their 30th birthday.”


Name one new strategy you learned for studying vocabulary.

Possible answers:

1. Learn more prefixes, suffixes, and root words.

2. Study the different forms/parts of speech that a new word can take.

3. Pay attention to patterns in word structure, and use those patterns to guess new words.

4. Memorize collocations and example sentences to provide more context.


Fill in the blank with the correct form of the word in parentheses: 

“It was ­­­________ that he was so upset, because he really was treated badly.” (understand)

It was ­­­understandable that he was so upset, because he really was treated badly.

(He was understandably upset, because he really was treated badly.)


Correct the grammatical error in the sentence: 

“The party will be amazing; I am so exciting!”

The party will be amazing; I am so excited.


Describe the difference between rules and “feel.” In your own study of English, which do you rely on more?

Rules = learning language by studying rules and patterns and trying to apply them

Feel = learning language by paying attention to the input you read and hear, to slowly develop a sense for what is correct or incorrect in the language


Read the sentence out loud, focusing on correct syllable stress: 

“The police recorded the interview with the suspect.”

The police recorded the interview with the suspect.


What is a collocation, and why is it important?

A collocation is a common grouping of words; a common, fixed phrase

It is important to learn collocations because they help us learn how to use new vocabulary words more accurately and effectively.


Fill in the blank with the correct form of the word in parentheses: 

“She danced so ______ that he immediately fell in love with her.” (beauty)

She danced so beautifully that he immediately fell in love with her.

(Her dancing was so beautiful that he immediately fell in love with her.)


Correct the grammatical error in the sentence: 

“She will company me to the store.”

She will accompany me to the store.

She will go with me to the store.

She will keep me company as I go to the store.


What is the noticing hypothesis, and how can you apply it?

Noticing Hypothesis = language learners will reach a point where they cannot improve/progress unless they consciously notice the input

For example, you must pay attention to the way new vocabulary words are used if you want to learn to use it accurately.


Read the sentence out loud, focusing on correct syllable stress: 

“They are conflicted because of their different opinions about the contract.”

They are conflicted because of their different opinions about the contract.


Guess the name of this tool, and explain the common pattern for names of tools and machines:

nail clippers

(acceptable guesses: nail cutters, nail trimmers)

Pattern: noun + verb + er


Name 5 of the 8 parts of speech.

1. noun

2. verb

3. adjective

4. adverb

5. conjunction (and, but, or, nor, for, yet)

6. preposition (around, above, below, on, between, etc.)

7. pronoun (he, she, him, her)

8. article (a, an, the)


Correct the grammatical error in the sentence: 

“I just went to the post office three hours before.”

I just went to the post office three hours ago.

I just went to the post office three house before class.


What are segmentals and suprasegmentals? 

Which is more important for clear pronunciation?

Segmentals = the smallest parts of pronunciation (individual sounds that make up words)

Suprasegmentals = the bigger parts of pronunciation, like stress and intonation

Suprasegmentals are more important to make English pronunciation clear. (Of course, segmentals are also important!)
