What is the scientific name of gum disease?
Describe plaque
a sticky colorless bacteria.
How many times a day should you brush your teeth?
2 times
What is oral hygiene?
The practice of keeping your mouth clean and disease-free.
What is flouride?
A natural mineral that protects teeth.
How often should you go to the dentist?
What are some symptoms of gum disease?
Red and swollen gums.
How does going to the dentist help you?
List examples of food that are good for your teeth?
dairy products, fruits, vegetables
What are cavities?
Damaged areas in your teeth that may appear as a hole
What does mouthwash do?
Reduces the amount of bacteria in someone's mouth.
List examples of food that are bad for your teeth.
Soft breads, potato chips, sugary sodas.
How much toothpaste should you use?
A pea-sized amount?
True or False: You can never eat sugary things.