Foundational Language Terminology
Listening Comprehension
Phonological Awareness
A system of symbols (oral, written, gestural) used for communication.
What is language.
Understanding what one hears orally.
What is listening comprehension.
Language that conveys an idea although it is not to be taken literally. (ex: It's raining cats and dogs.)
What is figurative language/idioms.
Name the language pattern: The boy ran.
What is a Noun Verb sentence pattern.
Awareness that spoken words are made up of individual sounds/phonemes and the ability to manipulate those phonemes.
What is phonemic awareness.
The sound system of language.
What is phonology
This assessment provides leveled reading passages to assess listening comprehension. The teacher can read a range of passages and ask the student the related questions.
What is the Informal Reading Inventory (IRI).
This strategy links new vocabulary words to known words, ideas, or concepts. Students discuss why the two words are related.
What is the Word Association strategy.
Name the sentence pattern: The boy is happy.
What is a predicate adjective sentence pattern.
This assessment is considered a deleting test. It evaluates the child’s ability to identify the separate sounds in spoken words, where they fall in the word, and their ability to delete one sound to make a new word.
What is the TAAS (Test of Auditory Analysis Skills)
The component of language that involves word meaning.
What is semantics?
This tool helps the student organize the main idea and details about a topic. The teacher can fill it out as the student talks or the student can use it to organize ideas.
What is the Frame (graphic organizer).
This strategy has the new vocabulary word integrated into a sentence starter that provides some context as to the word’s meaning. Ex: The university professor said that IPODs are ubiquitous on her campus because...
What is the sentence completion strategy.
These two assessments measure syntactical skills.
What is the SSI (syntactical screening inventory) and FOLS (free oral language sample).
This assessment focuses on four tasks: Sound Matching, Sound Isolation, Sound Blending, and Sound Segmenting.
What is the PAI (Phonemic Awareness Interview)
This component of language involves making meaningful sentences or paragraphs to convey ideas through word order.
What is syntax
If a student can't organize information orally, doesn't make connections or lacks adequate vocabulary, they may have a problem with this type of comprehension.
What is listening comprehension.
This strategy has 5 steps including listing the parts, identifying a reminding word, noting a story, creating a picture & self-testing.
What is the LINCS strategy.
Name 3 ways to expand the basic sentence patterns.
What are who groups, ing groups, and to groups.
An instructional approach designed to improve a student’s ability to segment the sounds in spoken words. For the activity, a word is first spoken by the teacher. Then, the students move manipulatives (coins, chips, etc.) for each sound he/she hears in the word.
What is Move it/ El-Konin Boxes
Name the 4 forms of language in common and complex terms.
What is oral receptive (listening), oral expressive (speaking), written receptive (reading), and written expressive (writing).
**Info on concept mastery routine
What is the Concept Mastery Routine
During this instructional process, the teacher follows a Command-Question-Statement procedure to have students hear and use the 5 basic sentence patterns.
What is an AO lesson (auditory oral pattern lesson).
This instructional approach is designed to improve a student’s ability to blend sounds to form a spoken word. For this activity, the sounds of a word are spoken individually by the teacher with a pause in between. Once all of the sounds have been spoken, the student blends the sounds to state the word.
What is Fix It