patient placed an aspirin directly on a painful area and is now presenting with white necrotic tissue that has been sloughing off
what is aspirin burn?
dark staining of the accumulated keratin on filiform papillae caused by chromogenic bacteria, tobacco, alcohol, etc
related to poor hygiene and use of antibiotics/corticosteroids
what is black hairy tongue?
dark pigmentation of oral tissue caused by stimulation of melanin production of melanocytes dye to chemical substances in cigarette smoke
what is smoker's melanosis?
most common oral lesion associated with immunodeficiencies
white lesions can be wiped off with a cloth/gauze
what is candidiasis?
prognathic malocclusion, open bite due to tongue thrusting
lower risk for caries as kids bc delayed tooth eruption, missing teeth and wider interproximal spaces
higher risk for caries and periodontal disease as adults due to poor hygiene and cariogenic food
what is Down Syndrome?
direct sexual contact transmission, condition develops in stages and symptoms and lesions may vary
treponema pallidum
mucous patches
what is syphillis?
minor, major, and herpetic forms
only seen in movable parts of the oral cavity and recurs in episodes, affecting largely professional professions or people with high levels of stress
what are aphthous ulcers?
adhesion of the tongue to the floor of the mouth
aka "tongue tied"
what is ankyloglossia?
most common location is in the mucobuccal fold and will usually disappear after tobacco is no longer being placed in that spot
may develop into malignancy
what is tobacco pouch keratosis?
painful ulcers larger than 1 cm in diameter and can take several weeks to heal, usually results in scarring
more common than minor and herpetic forms in HIV patients
what are major aphthous ulcers?
inherited disorder with decreased number of neutrophils for a short period of time (2-3 days)
occurs in intervals of 21-27 days
what is cyclic neutropenia?
highly contagious superficial skin infection usually seen in kids generally caused by two bacteria
staphylococcus aures or s.pyoegnes
what is impetigo?
benign inflammatory condition of the skin, but more severe forms can cause ulcers of the mouth
distribution is symmetrical
what is lichen planus?
dorsal surface is cracked and dry
advise patient to clean tongue regularly to remove food debris caught in the grooves
what is a fissured tongue?
benign increased keratinization occurs on hard palate in response to heat
raised red dots, may develop into a malignancy
what is nicotine stomatitis?
caused by Epstein-Barr virus
what is hairy leukoplakia?
inherited condition that causes abnormalities in the skin, nervous system, bones, etc
palms of hands show small dark pits that can get filled with dirt
multiple jaw cysts, odontogenic keratocysts
what is nevoid basal cell carcinoma/Gorlin's syndrome?
spread from mother to child through placenta or during birth
what is congenital syphillis?
pre-cancerous condition related to sun exposure, more common in fair skinned individuals
watch for blurring of vermillion borders of lips and the skin!
what is solar/actinic cheilitis?
flat/slightly raised erythematous area in the middle of the dorsal surface of the tongue in a rhomboid/diamond shape
aka central papillary atrophy
what is median rhomboid glossitis?
inflammatory hyperplasia caused by prosthesis that appears in the vestibule along the denture border from an ill fitting appliance
surfaces may become ulcerated and tissue may need to be surgically removed
tiny vesicles on keratinized mucosa fixed to bone
infectious, when lesions are active, delay tx
what are herpes?
genetic disorder that affects development of bones and teeth
many supernumerary teeth, sometimes even looking like a 3rd dentition
interference with eruption of normal dentition --> pseudo anodontia
what is cleidocranial dysplasia?
the common wart, transmitted through direct contact
papillary oral lesions caused by one of many HPV
what is verruca vulgaris?
not as severe as pemphigus vulgaris, but another chronic autoimmune disease that causes erosive skin lesions of mucous membranes in various parts of the body
what is mucous membrane pemphigoid/desquamative gingivitis?
caused by the Epstein-Barr virus and can be seen in HIV patients
cannot be wiped off, and usually does not lead to malignant conditions
what is hairy leukoplakia?
most commonly affects palate and maxillary alveolar ridge, is asymptomatic
aka chronic atrophic candidiasis
what is denture stomatitis?
cancer of lymph or the blood vessels caused by human herpes virus
red/purple, flat/raised lesion most commonly seen on the palate or gingiva
what is kaposi sarcoma?
an inherited disorder characterized by abnormal bone growth resulting in dwarfism
fusion of anterior portion of maxillary gingiva to the upper lip from canine to canine
lack of central incisors on both arches
what is ellis van creveld syndrome?
benign papillary lesion caused by papilloma virus
transmitted through sexual contact
pink in color, not white
what is condyloma acuminatum?
autoimmune disease that causes blistering of the skin that is fragile and painful
nikolsky's sign: cleavage produced on blisters with gentle finger pressure
what is pemphigus vulgaris?
erythematous patches surrounded by white/yellow borders on dorsal and lateral sides of tongue
aka erythema migrans or benign migratory glossitis
sensitivity to citrus and spicy foods reported
what is geographic tongue?
granular, cobblestone appearance
usually appears in the vault covered by multiple erythematous papillary projections
what is papillary hyperplasia of the palate?
periodontal disorder characterized by a 2-3mm width band near the gingival margin
not associated with dental plaque
what is linear gingival erythema?
treacher collins syndrome
genetic disorder that affects development of facial structure
fish mouth, high palate, downward sloping lips, and open bite
what is mandibulofacial dysotosis?
infection caused by filamentous bacteria species Actinomyces
abscess trans through formation of small holes leaking pus -- fistulas
what is actinomycosis?