What tells us the amount of beats in a measure?
Time signature
Lowers note half a step
quarter note
1 beat of sound
What symbol makes a note 1 half step higher?
Sharp #
Connect 2 or more different notes in one bow
repeat sign
Go back and play again
half note
2 beats of sound
What is pizzicato
pluck the strings
What is Ms. Raymond's cat's name?
The word in the music indicating to play with the bow
What is it called when multiple songs are mashed up in one piece?
whole note tied to another whole note
8 beats of sound
Name 4 dynamics and their meaning
pp - Pianissimo - very soft
p - Piano - Soft
mp - Mezzo Piano - Medium Soft
mf - mezzo forte - Medium Loud
f - Forte - Loud
ff - Fortissimo - Very loud
How old is Ms. Raymond?
What is a ritardando
gradually slow down
What are all 4 strings on the Bass in order from high to low?
G, D, A, E
whole rest
4 beats of silence
Name all 3 classes Ms. Raymond teaches
7th grade orch, 8th grade orch, and one 6th grade class. (603)
slow tempo
What does allegro mean?
fast tempo
Dotted eighth note
3/4 of a beat of sound
What does it mean to be in a Minor Key
Lowering the 3rd, 6th, and 7th notes in the scale.
Will accept "lowering some notes by half step"
What is Ms. Raymond's favorite place to order lunch from?