Terms and conditions
LAW abiding
This and that
Law smart

describe an ethical dilemma 

What is a choice between two undesirables? 


A violation of a civil law; involves a wrong against an individual or their property. which deals with claims of injury or harm due to someone else’s actions.

What is a tort? 


The Nurse practice acts defines this document. 

Explain what this document is used for. 

What is scope of practice?

What is defines role of an nurse, what they can and cannot do. ?


Name some common errors nurses can be in a lawsuit for. 

What is medication errors, treatment error or abuse? 


To purposely threaten physical harm to an individual

What is battery? 


This term describes what is made up with your values and influence and your behavior's 

What is ethic? 


Injury, loss, or damage to a patient because of failure to provide a reasonable standard of care or demonstrate a reasonable level of skill

occurs when a nurse’s action fails to meet professional standards of care and injures a patient. 

What is malpractice? 


name the three items that the Board of Nursing has authority to ENFORCE. 

What is 

License nurses

Take disciplinary measures against nurses who fail to follow the NPA

Regulate the practice of nursing as well as nursing education


define an incident report, and who receives it after you complete it , how it is documented. 

What is a report of an usual event with a patient, given to the supervisor, document events not that you did an incident report. 


To touch an individual without consent

What is battery? 


Patients have the right to be treated with these 

What is respect, dignity, honesty, and compassion.


False written statements about another that are made public with the intent to harm

What is libel ? 


Name is the primary reason for the NPA

What is to protect the public’s health, safety, and welfare.?


This means that you are responsible for your own actions

What is accountability 


Failure to provide certain care that another person of the same education and locale would generally provide under the same circumstances

If a nurse does something that a reasonably prudent person would not do or fails to do something that a reasonably prudent person would do,

What is negligence? 


This means treating others with courtesy, politeness, and respect, even if you disagree with what they think or believe.

What is civility? 


    A written statement indicating a patient’s wishes regarding future medical care in the event the patient becomes unable to voice their decisions; it may give consent for certain aspects of care as well as refusal of specific care

What is advance directives? 


Intentionally preventing a patient from leaving a facility or restricting a patient’s movement within the facility is considered

What is false imprisonment? 


name the mandatory reporting for nurses 

What is abuse, contagious infections, and elderly abuse.

you will find a very important NURSING document contained within this law. tell me the law and the document 

What is Statutory law? What is nurse practice act? 


This is is the awareness of and insight into another person’s feelings, emotions, and behaviors,

What is empathy 


To desert or forsake a patient in your charge; to leave a patient in your charge without appropriate nursing replacement; wrongful termination of care

What is abandoment? 


that provides legal protection to the voluntary caregiver at sites of accidents and emergencies.

What is the Good Samaritan Law? 


The five delegation rights. 

What is right task, circumstance, person, direction/communication, supervision/evaluation?


Difference between the privacy and security rules

What is privacy rule protects the patients health information. Security rules protects the EHR
