He is the only Son of God, begotten, not made. For human's salvation, came down from heaven....
Who is Jesus Christ?
God made this out of nothing.
How did God create the universe?
By blood and water that flowed from the side of the cruxified Jesus.
What symbolized the birth to the Church?
The Holy Mass and any Sacrament.
What are two of the three forms of Liturgy?
Liturgy of the Word & Liturgy of the Eucharist
What are the two major parts of Mass?
He is the giver of life and spoken through the prophets.
Who is the Holy Spirit?
The human person.
What is God's greatest creation?
By coming upon the Apostles as transforming fire.
How did the Holy Spirit reveal the Church at Pentecost?
Public work or work done on behalf of the people.
What does Liturgy mean?
Jesus tells his listeners 6-9 times that they have to eat His Flesh and drink His Blood to have everlasting life.
What do we read in John 6:25-71?
He is the Creator of heaven and Earth.
Who is God the Father?
God breathed life into them.
How did the first humans get super natural life
The Mystical Body of Christ
What is the Church known as?
The free and loving gift given to each person by the Holy Spirit at every sacrament that gives us the ability to live as Jesus Christ.
What is Sanctifying Grace?
This is the changing of the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ.
What is transubstantiation?
Jesus is fully human and Jesus is fully Divine.
What are the two natures of Jesus?
Adam and Eve disobeyed God.
Why was man kicked out of the garden of Eden?
The late 3rd century the books were assembled.
When was the bible books assembled?
Has a unique function at the Mass and sacraments
Who is the ordained minister. (Priests)
We receive this at our Baptism but is preserved, increased, and renewed when receiving the Body of Christ.
What is sanctifying Grace?
1) The Trinity is one God.
2) There are three Divine Persons in the one God.
3) The Divine Persons are in relation to the other.
What are the three truths about the teaching of the Trinity?
Because God gave humans free will to choose.
Why is there evil in the world?
When Jesus teaching is handed down from one generation to the next.
What is Tradition.
1. To call us to worship God. 2.To build up the Church. 3. To deepen our faith. 4. To sanctify us.
Why did Jesus give us the Sacraments?
As food nourishes our physical bodies, Holy Communion nourishes this.
What nourishes our spiritual life?