The Word Tipisa in Lakota is
The Red Lodge
The Common Injury during Hiking are
Frist Eagle Scout
Arthur Rose Eldred
Last Lodge to be created
What is Eswau Huppeday
The official Color of the Original Scout Uniform
What is Khaki green
The red in Tipisa's Logo symbolizes
What is The Rising Sun or The East
The stacking of fire wood in a Criss-Cross Pattern form
What is the Log Cabin Fire
The President and Cheif Executive Officer of Scouting America
Who is Roger A. Krone
The Lodge that frist introduced the Elangomat
What is Tipisa Lodge
The Merit Badge that was discontinued in 2010 but then reinstated
What is the Bugling Merit Badge
The Frist Tipisa Lodge Chief
Who is Jim Franklin
Lashing used to construct a Tripod
What is the Tripod Lashing
Frist Brother who reached Vigil in the O.A.
Who is E. Urner Goodman
The President that was an Eagle Scout
Who was Gerald Ford
The Professional Scout Execitive started what would be today known as Tipsi Lodge
Who is Mr. Harold Pace
The Knot known as the King of the Knots
What is the Bowline
Orginal name for Cub Scouts
What is Wolf Cubs
The state O.A. was established in
The total amount of merit badges
What is 138 Merit Badges
The orginal name of our society before it offically was part of the Order of the Arrow
What is the Tipisa Honor Camping Society
The Acronym for telling if someone is having a stroke is
What is
F ace
A rm
S peech
T ime
The date Boy Scouts was founded
February 8, 1910
Frist O.A. Lodge
What is Unami Lodge
Approximately the amount of Lodges in the United States
What is Three Hundred Lodges