Mom and dad used fans to ventilate the attic. Ventilate means…
paint tighten close create an airflow
create an air flow
A noxious smell filled the building. The unpleasant odor made many people feel sick. Noxious means...
wonderful disgusting pleasant fragrant
Catastrophic events include the September 11th terrorist attacks, Hurricane Katrina, and earthquakes. Catastrophic means...
disastrous happy wonderful fun
Just as Paul's project disintegrated in the rain, so did Patrick's. Disintegrated means...
fell apart blossomed used changed
fell apart
When an earthquake occurs under the ocean, it often moves a substantial amount of water. Substantial means...
a large amount a small amount
not able to predict a change
a large amount
The game started out tedious, but it got exciting in the end when it was tied with 3 runners on base. Tedious means..
fun boring slow awful
Improving on the assembly line, Henry Ford was able to manufacture his automobiles efficiently. He predominated in the industry for many years. Predominated means...
led charted fell behind followed
The bully sent a venomous, not loving, look at Max. Venomous means…
loving tired happy spiteful
The tornado annihilated the whole town to the point that nothing was left standing. Annihilated means...
created constructed destroyed saved
I am going to advise people as to what not to name their kids. Advise means...
offer suggestions order to obey
remain silent embarrass
offer suggestions
Mrs. Shelton wanted to make sure that no one would misconstrue her instructions, so she wrote them down in a way that everyone could understand. Misconstrue means...
tore wrote influenced misunderstand
Plants from the arbutus group, such as flowering trees and shrubs with berries, grow mainly in North America. Arbutus means...
A group of trees or shrubs fruit vegetables
A group of trees or shrubs
The unsubstantial story was as if she were retelling a dream, Unsubstantial means...
realistic true unreal
My younger sister can be an irritating nuisance when I am doing my homework. Nuisance means...
delight pleasure help annoyance
Hiding the hearing aids behind her ears became routine. Routine means...
regular caring unusual
Projectiles include those items that are shot forward such as a cannon shell, bullet, or rocket. Projectiles means...
things put down things shot forward
things broken things hurt
things shot forward
I had to stop and think about the unfathomable quote of the day. Unfathomable means…
clear simple easy deep or profound
deep or profound
There was pandemonium when the teacher walked out of the door just as there was confusion when the lunch monitor left the cafeteria. Pandemonium means…
calmness confusion peace serenity
Bobby had a mishap when he fell out of the tree, but the accident didn't hurt him too badly. Mishap means...
branch accident confession event
It can't be an official entry in the contest if it doesn't have a name, said the queen. Official means...
approved by authority a surprise
unrecognized popular
approved by authority
The dark clouds were a caveat of the coming storm. It was not the only warning we received. The town tornado alarm sounded soon after and gave us enough notice to seek shelter. Caveat means....
withdrawal celebration keep warning
The eccentric old woman lived in a house that was anything but normal. Eccentric means...
regular odd or bizarre average normal
odd or bizarre
The vociferous marching band was unlike the quiet music we listen to while going to sleep. Vociferous means...
quiet loud soft calm
He was stymied over the difficult math problems as if it were a matter of life and death. Stymied means…
frustrated supported encourage
A spider has extraordinary senses all over its body. Extraordinary means...
common unusual or remarkable
rapid, continuous movements
unusual or remarkable