What are the Tangible and Intangible Assets in an Organization?
Facilities (Factories, Offices, Warehouses)
Machines and Tools
Materials (Supplies - Products)
Human capital: people, culture, etc.
Relational capital: Brand, customers, etc.
Intellectual capital: patents, copyright, etc.
What is Positive Psychology? Why study it?
Definition: the scientific study of optimal human functioning, of what makes life worth living
Objective: to understand and facilitate happiness and subjective well-being
What are the Personality determinant factors?
- Biological (ie. Heredity, Physical features)
- Cultural (ie. religion)
- Family
- Social
- Situational (ie. knowledge, skills, languages)
What is motivation? What is the impact of high motivation on an organization?
it is the processes that account for an individual’s intensity, direction, and persistence of effort toward attaining a goal.
high motivation impact: High productivity, Sales increase, Innovation, Fast response to changes, Overall wellbeing
What is emotional intelligence (name the 5 components) and why is it important?
it is the ability to recognize, understand, and manage/influence our emotions/the emotions of others
components: self awareness, self regulation, empathy, motivation, social skills
important b/c Underpins the best decisions, Most dynamic organizations, Most satisfying and successful lives
What is the relationship between HR systems and financial results? Why?
$$ I /
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I _/_________________ HR
Competitive advantage is not the people, BUT how we manage people (Systems + Policies + Practices) -> Positive relationship between sophistication of HR systems and financial results
What is the Martine Seligman model about Positive Psychology?
PERMA Model:
Positive Emotions: hope, interest, joy, love, compassion, pride, amusement, gratitude
Engagement: living in the present moment and focusing on the task at hand
Relationships: feeling supported, loved, and valued by others
Meaning: belonging and/or serving something greater than ourselves
Accomplishment: working toward and reaching goals, mastering an endeavor, finishing a task
How do we assess personality? How does this play into the hiring process?
Self-reporting and Observer ranking models. Need to seek for both FIT and DIVERSITY when hiring
Theories of motivation: to motivate individuals, it is necessary to draw upon a combination of ....
management, needs, extrinsic factors, and intrinsic factors
Describe the self-management domain.
the ability to control or redirect disruptive impulses/moods and to think before acting to get desired results
Self-regulate- label/manage disruptive emotions: Reduce physiological distress, Emotional clarity, Control reactions, Culture and work structure can influence how we self regulate
Adaptability- open to new ideas or solutions
Achieve- embrace challenges and achieve results: Good leader- balance personal drive for excellence with challenging goals and improvement, Bad leader- micromanages,
Positivity- resilience, persistence: Overcome difficulty, Learn from every situation
What is the Wheel of Life? What are the areas that are on the Wheel of Life?
“Wheel of Life”: a tool that allows us to audit in which situation we are in in all aspects of life, according to what we want. It allows us to visualize the deviations and therefore encourages us to make decisions to correct the deviations.
Areas: Health, Relations, Personal finances, Career/work, Spirituality, Personal development, Balance / lifestyle, Hobbies / passions
Explain the concept of Flow State by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
A necessary balance between anxiety and boredom. (Cycle between Increasing Skills -> Decreasing Challenge -> Less Demanding Skills -> Increasing Challenge ->)
Features of flow state:
Complete concentration on the task
Clarity of goals and reward in mind and immediate feedback
Transformation of time (speeding up/slowing down)
The experience is intrinsically rewarding
Effortlessness and ease
There is a balance between challenge and skills
Actions and awareness are merged
There is a feeling of control over the task.
What are the four dimensions of the Meyer’s Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)? Explain 2 and give me the traits of an example personality (ie. an INFJ person is...)
Bonus: How many personality types are there?
E/I: source of energy (sociable & assertive - quiet & shy)
S/iN: way of gathering info (practical & orderly - unconscious processes)
T/F: decision making (use reason & logic - use values & emotions)
J/P: How you relate to the external world (want order & structure - flexible & spontaneous)
Bonus: 16
How do you address extrinsic factors for motivation? How do you address intrinsic factors?
Bonus: what is the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic rewards?
Extrinsic: Reinforcement. Use positive reinforcement for desirable behaviors, negative reinforcement for undesirable
Intrinsic: Adam’s equity: Individual’s need to perceive rewards as fair and similar to others
Vroom’s expectancy: people work harder when they believe increasing their efforts will improve their performance and lead to reward
Locke’s Goal Setting: specific goals increase performance; difficult goals (when accepted) results in higher performance compared to easy goals; feedback leads to higher performance
Bonus: extrinsic: given by another person; intrinsic: derived from the individual
Describe the social awareness domain and define organizational awareness.
the ability to understand emotional makeup of others and treat people according to their emotional reactions (empathy)
Organizational awareness: ability to read a group’s emotions and power dynamics
What are the disciplines that contribute to Org Behavior? What are the units of analysis they fall under?
Disciplines: Psychology, Social psychology, Sociology, Anthropology
Units of Analysis: Individual, Group, Organization System
Cure mental illness
Make lives productive and fulfilling
Identify and nurture high talent
post WW2 missions 2 and 3 were forgotten
What are five dimensions of the Big Five Personality traits? What does a high and low score mean in each category?
Bonus: Which of the five factors is the most predictive of job performance?
**Conscientiousness (high: displined, careful; low: impulsive)
Agreeableness (high: trusting, helpful, warm; low: suspicious, uncooperative, less empathetic)
*Emotional stability / Neuroticism (high: calm, confident; low: practical, prefers routine)
Openness to Experience (high: imaginative, spontaenous, careful; low: impulsive)
What are the four Need-based models/theories?
Maslow's hierarchy of needs: Physiological, safety, belongingness/love, esteem, self-actualization
Alderfer’s ERG: Existence, relatedness, growth
Herzberg's 2 factor theory: Motivators ( achievements, work, etc) & Hygiene (work conditions, wage/benefits)
McClelland’s Acquired Needs Theory: Achievement, Affiliation, Power
Describe the social skills domain.
the proficiency in managing relationships and building networks, ability to find common ground and build rapport
includes Influence, Conflict management, Inspire, Coach, Teamwork
Do managers who move up most quickly in an organization do the same activities and with the same emphasis as managers who do the best job? Why?
No, here is the breakdown of management: Traditional management (ie. decision-making), communication, HR management, networking
Successful managers spend half their time networking, while effective managers spend half their time communicating.
How can workers and their organizations create a more positive and proactive workplace that bridges economic and human goals?
Focus on strengths, virtues, and self-determination
Increase the organization’s psychological capital
Ethical-moral leadership
What is the Dark Triad?
Psychopathy, Narcissism, Machiavellianism
How do you use management for motivation? Make sure to name any models/theories
Bonus: What are the Career Anchors?
Scientific Management: study of job processes and rewarding employees for their productivity and hard work
McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y -
Theory X: individuals are viewed in a negative way (unmotivated and disliking work). Need to focus on hygiene factors and control
Theory Y: Individuals are viewed in a positive way and focus on motivational factors
Ouchi’s Theory Z: employees involved and committed in an organization will be motivated to increase productivity
What are the four key qualities of Inspirational Leaders?
Bonus: For 6000000 points - what is my turtle's name?
1. Focus on the group/organization and its larger mission, not on their own success
2. Set the example
3. Be trustworthy
4. Be able to think outside the box