What is the unconscious according to Freud?
What is Operant Conditioning?
Controlling behavior through rewards and punishments
What is the relationship between language and perception?
Language can influence a person's perception, how a person thinks and behaves
What is the most popular personality test used by 98 out of 100 US Fortune Companies?
Myers Briggs Personality Test or MBTI
What is Organizational Psychology and what is its purpose?
It is the study of the human mind and behavior in the workplace. Its purpose is to organize people in a way to produce better productivity.
What is the main idea of Cognitive Approach?
That everyone interprets the world in a different way or in other words, we have our own interpretations or processes of what is happening.
What is the defense mechanism called rationalization?
Creating false excuses for our behavior or justifying something we did wrong to be right
What does the language you use in a job interview affect?
It affects their perception of you
What is the difference between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation? Which one lasts longer?
Extrinsic is outside motivation like doing something for money and intrinsic is motivation from within a person like a person doing something out of interest. Intrinsic motivation lasts longer.
Who is the most influential psychologist in the western world of the 20th century? What is he famous for?
BF Skinner and he's famous for the Skinner box
Which of the 5 main theories of PSY are Nature vs Nurture mostly about?
Bio-Medical/Biological and Behaviorism
When a girl sees the guy she likes and then purposely avoids him and acts cold towards him is an example of which defense mechanism?
How do we perceive the world based on bottom-up perception process? Ex. If you see a square with a triangle on top.
We perceive objects through shapes
Why does motivation matter in organizational psychology?
If you are motivated by the job itself, you'll likely stay longer and do a better job
The 8 Stages of Life could be used to predict what?
What the person's behavior would be like based on the life stage they are in
What are the main ideas of psychoanalytic approach?
Early childhood influences
The unconscious
Motivated by our instincts like aggression
Which psychological theory can explain what makes social media so addicting?
Variable Ratio Reinforcement
What are the factors in perceiving pain?
Content, attention, anxiety, and learned pain
Which of the psychologist had work that later led to the development of the Myers Briggs personality test?
Carl Jung
Which 2 stages of life can a person have an identity crisis?
Teenage and mid adult years
What are the 5 main theories of Psychology? What is the main idea of each of them?
Psychoanalytic > instinctual drive
Humanistic > hierarchy of needs
Cognitive > each person has a different interpretation
Bio-Medical/Biological > Traits influence your mind and behavior
Behaviorism > Environment influences your mind and behavior
What is Free Association and the goal of psychoanalysis?
It's allowing your mind to wander and say whatever comes to mind.
The goal is to find the source of behavior through the unconscious
In regards to language and thought, if your partner says, "Hey, check out this cool movie we can watch later!" However, you reply by continuing to watch your phone without response, which of the following is this identified as?
Turning away
According to Herzberg what motivates people to work and what doesn't motivate them, but if not present, would cause dissatisfaction?
Work itself, achievement, & recognition
Salary, working conditions, and job security
What can shape or control our behavior later on in life as adults according to Freud and other developmental psychologists?
Whatever happens in your childhood