The product of the reaction between propene and H2 in the presence of a Ni-catalyst.
What is propane
The product of incomplete combustion of an alcohol
What is CO or C
A simple line image of a molecule
What is a skeletal structure?
The structure of an aldehyde
A particular chemical arrangement on a hydrocarbon chain
What is a functional group
This functional group gives the ending -ol to the name
What is a an alcohol (R-OH)
What are haloalkanes
Reacting an alkene with Hydrogen gas produces what compound?
What is a saturated fatty acid
The structural formula for a primary alcohol
What is R-OH
The naming term for a carbon chain that is 7-carbons long
What is Hept
The condensed structural formula is CH3CH2CH2C(CH3)3
What is 2,2-Dimethylpentane
What is the general formula for an alkane
The product of an alkyne with H2 gas
What is an alkene
The functional group name of CH3CH2COH
What is an aldehyde
The term used to describe a chain that has two or more groups attached to it
What is a branched chain
What does IUPAC stand for
What is International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
These molecules have the same molecular formula, but different structural formulas
What are isomers
Structural formula for 2,3-dichloropentane
The Structural formula consists of R-O-R'
What is a ketone
The form of alcohol commonly used in beverage production
What is ethanol