This is the reactant or pair of reactants in an enzyme mediated reaction
What is a substrate?
This is the monomer of a carbohydrate
What is a monosaccharide?
These are three functions of lipids
What is long-term energy, insulation, protection of internal organs?
This is the chemical composition of a protein
What is carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen?
This is the chemical composition of a nucleic acid
What is carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and phosphorous?
This is the pocket or fold in an enzyme where the substrate interacts
What is an active site?
The is the chemical composition of carbohydrates (include the ratio)
What is the carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen in a 1:2:1 ratio?
This type of lipid makes up the cell membrane
What is a phospholipid?
This is the reaction depicted below and its function
What is hydrolysis, which adds water to break up covalent bonds between polymers to break it into monomers?
This nucleic acid codes for hereditary information
What is DNA?
This is the optimum temperature of this enzyme:
What is 20 degrees Celsius?
This polysaccharide makes up the cell wall in plants?
What is cellulose?
This is the reason why lipids do not dissolve in water
What is lipids are mostly hydrocarbons and are non-polar?
This is the reason why carbon is an important element in living things
What is carbon has 4 valence electrons and bonds easily with itself?
This nucleic acid helps form a protein
What is RNA?
This is what happens to enzymes when they are exposed to extremes of temperature or pH (be specific)
What is they denature or lose their conformational shape?
This is the energy storage polysaccharide in plant and the energy storage polysaccharide in animals
What is starch and glycogen?
These are two key differences between a saturated and an unsaturated fat.
What is a saturated fat has all single bonds while an unsaturated fat has double bonds? Also, an unsaturated fat is a liquid at room temperature and a saturated fat is a solid at room temperature?
These are five functions of proteins
What is 1) catalysts, speed up chemical reactions, 2) structural molecules make up hair and nails, 3) hormones regulate cell activity, 4) transport, 5) defense (antibodies)
These are the components of a nucleotide.
What is a 5-carbon sugar, phosphate group, and nitrogen base?
This explain why enzymes are specific
What is the substrate and enzyme are complementary and fit together like a lock and key?