Organizational Behavior
Managing Demographic and Cultural Diversity
Understanding People at Work
Individual Attitudes and Behaviors
Theories of Motivation
What is the Definition of organizational Behavior?
Define as the systematic study and applications of knowledge about how individuals in groups act within the organizations where they work.
What is the Definition of Diversity?
refers to the ways in which people are similar or different from each other
What is the Definition of Values
Refers to stable life goals and that people have, reflecting what is most important to them.
What is the definition of Work Attitude?
refers to our opinions, beliefs, and feelings about aspects around the workplace.
What is Motivation?
A desire to reach to a certain goal or a certain performance level, leading to goal directed behavior.
What are the three learning styles in OB?
1. Visual Learner 2. Auditory learner 3. Kinesthetic
What is Power Distance?
refers to the degree to which the society views an unequal distribution of power as acceptable. Simply put, some cultures are more egalitarian than others.
What is the difference between terminal values and instrumental values?
Terminal values are all about world peace and prosperous life and instrumental values is about being honest, ethical, and ambitious.
Name 3 factors that contribute to Job Satisfaction?
Personality Stress Work-Life Balance Work Relationships Person Environment Fit Job Characteristics Psychological Contract Organizational Justice
What are the stages in Maslows Heirarchy of needs?
Self-Actualization Esteem Social Safety Psychological
What the top 5 personal qualities/skills in OB?
What the top 5 personal qualities/skills in OB? 1. Communication(Verbal or Written) 2. Honesty/Integrity 3. Interpersonal Skills (Relates Well to Others) 4. Motivation/Intuitive 5. Strong Work Ethic
What is the Difference between Surface-Level Diversity and Deep-Level Diversity?
Surface level pays attention to things around us like race, gender, and age. Deep Level is more in-depth with values beliefs and attitudes.
What are the five big personality traits?
Openness - Being Curious and original Conscientiousness - Being Organized and systematic Extraversion - Being outgoing and social Agreeableness - Being trusting and sensitive Neuroticism - being anxious and moody
What Causes Absenteeism?
Health Problems Work Life Balance Work Withdrawl
What are the three stages of the ERG Theory?
Growth Relatedness Existance
A) Draw Pictures B) Taking notes during lectures C) Write down oral instructions D) Use charts to summarize main points
The answer is C. Auditory Leaner is someone who process information most effectively by listening or talking. Which is a example of Auditory Leaners?
Our First Interaction with Individuals makes us aware of? A) Surface Diversity B) Collective Diversity C) Deep - Level Diversity D) Value Based Diversity
Surface Diversity
What is MBTI?
Meyers Briggs Type Indicator Most well known Personality Test.
What is Organizational Citizenship Behavior?
Are voluntary behaviors employees perform to help others and benefit the organization
What are the Dimensions of Organizational Justice?
Procedural Justice - refers to the degree to which fair decision-making procedures are used to arrive at a decision Interactional Justice - refers to the degree to which people are treated with respect, kindness, and dignity in interpersonal interactions. Distributive Justice -refers to the degree to which the outcomes received from the organization are perceived to be fair.
What are five different OB research Methods
1. Surveys - Primary method 2. Case Studies - Are in-depth descriptions 3. Field Studies - Research conducted in actual Organizations 4. Control Group - Group that can't receive any experimental manipulation 5. Meta - Analysis - Research findings from studies on relative topics
Name a country with Lower Power Distance?
Austria Denmark Israel Ireland New Zealand
Stereotypes often create a situation called?
Self - Fulfilling Prophecy
What are Whistleblowers?
People who report wrong doing.
Who Came up with the Two Factory Theory?
Frederick Herzberg