Organizational Culture
The set of values, norms, guiding beliefs, and understandings that is shared by members of an organization. This is also taught to new members as the correct way to think, feel, and behave
What is Culture
What are representations of the upper level of corporate culture?
What is observable symbols, ceremonies, stories, slogans, behaviors, dress and/or physical settings
Refers to a code of moral principles and values that governs the behaviors of a person or a group with respect to what is right or wrong
What is Ethics
Being ethical and socially responsible is not just the right things for a corporation to do; it is a critical issue for business success. Yes / No and why
YES!! Employees and the public want an ethical and responsible company to entrust with their purchases.
This describes how people are required to act, in a way that is generally accepted in society and that is enforceable in court
What is rule of law
These are elaborate, planned activities that are conducted for the benefit of an audience and express cultural values
What is rites and ceremonies
Give three examples of culture as listed in the book
What is adaptability culture, mission culture, clan culture, and/or bureaucratic culture
When values are conflicting about what is right and wrong this arises
What is an ethical dilemma
Do you agree with the saying "Culture eats strategy for lunch." Why?
YES! Managers can invest all the time and resources they have in defining an awesome strategy, but implementing it will be impossible if the cultural values are out of line.
Give a list of five stakeholders for any organization
What is employees, customers, shareholders, the community, and the broader society
These develop to reflect the common problems, goals and experiences that members of a team, department, or other group share.
What is subcultures
Have a team member come up and draw an example of an organizational chart for a company
answers will vary
Why is managerial ethics so important?
Managerial Ethics are principles that guide the decisions and behaviors of managers in regards to whether they are right or wrong. This sets the tone for all employees under them.
Do you believe top managers should focus their energy more on strategy and structure than on corporate culture and why?
NO. Smart top managers know that for the organization to be successful, the right culture has to support and reinforce the strategy and structure to be effective in the environment.
How would you explain a rite of integration
What is a type of rite that creates common bonds and good feelings among employees and increases commitment to the organization.
A relationship between a leader and followers that is based on shared, strongly internalized values that are advocated and acted upon by the leader
What is values-based leadership
What are the four types of Organizational Culture?
What is adaptability culture, mission culture, clan culture, and bureaucratic culture
Give four characteristics of a values based leader
What is interpersonal behaviors (be kind), personal actions and expectations (honesty, integrity), fairness with others (equality), organizational leadership (articulate well, ethical)
Do you believe that changing a company's culture is probably one of the hardest jobs a manager can undertake?
YES! Changing people and culture is typically much more difficult than changing any other aspect of the organization. Managers must realize it takes determined, consciously planned effort over a long period of time to make cultural changes.
Explain how an office building with no individual offices or doors could symbolize a certain culture. What type of culture is it?
This office would symbolize and enforce the cultural values of open communication, collaboration, creativity, and equality
Define external adaptation and incorporate an example from this class.
External adaptation refers to how the organization meets goals and deals with outsiders. One example could be each group meeting to
Describe the relationship between culture and performance and give an example of a bad relationship.
Companies that intentionally manage culture values often outperform companies that do not. Example will vary - Correct by general consensus
Give 5 ways to promote and enforce Ethics in the workplace
What is an creating an ethics committee, appointing a chief ethics officer, installing an ethics hotline, promote whistle blowing, and using a code of ethics
Do you believe that the single BEST way to make sure an organization stays on solid ethical ground is to have a strong code of ethics and make sure all employees are familiar with its guidelines?
You shouldn't. Having a strong code of ethics can be an important part of creating an ethical organization but managers' actions are more powerful in determining whether people live up to the high ethical standards.
Give an example of the connection between observable behaviors and the underlying values in a constructive culture.
From the book: If the observable behavior is managers paying close attention to all employees and initiating change even if it means taking risks, the underlying values could be that managers care deeply about all stakeholders; strongly value people and processes that create useful change