what organ is responsible for pumping blood
The heart
what organ is responsible for taking in and out oxygen
The lungs
what purpose does the brain serve
it controls the body
what is responsible for kidney stones
drinking too little water
what does the liver do
filters all blood and breaks down poisonous substances
what is the hearth responsible for?
The functions of the heart are to pump blood and oxygen
which lung is bigger
The right lung
can you stop thinking completly?
no it is mentally impossible
What is the hardest thing for your kidneys to process?
Meat & Dairy Products
can u die without a liver?
What can causes a heart attack?
High blood pressure
What is the most common lung disease?
lung cancer
what is the back side of the brain called?
The cerebellum
what do the kidneys do
remove wastes and extra fluids from your body
What is the smallest unit of the liver?
liver acinus
whats the smallest vein in ur hearth
thebesian veins
what is the name of the tiny air sacs in the lungs
what is the left side brain do?
the left side is generally responsible for logic and language
can u still live with 1 kidney?
yes but with few problems
can alcohol damage the liver
yes and could lead to liver failure
whats the biggest vein of the heart
vena cava
What is the main problem of lungs?
How bad of an alcoholic do you have to be to have your brain affected?
a person who drinks heavily over a long period of time may have brain deficits that persist well after he or she achieves sobriety... Alcohol can produce detectable impairments in memory after only a few drinks and, as the amount of alcohol increases, so does the degree of impairment.
what is kidney failure
when you're kidney stops working
how can being overweight affect the liver
it could raise the risk of a fatty liver