The CEO of TBR
Who is Vickie Thompson-Sandy
Documented Counseling
What is the first Corrective Action Step?
Anxiety, Defensive, Risk Behavior, Tension Reduction
What is the CPI Crisis Development Model - Behavior Levels?
PRTF Program Manager
Who is Ashley Agler?
All PRTF youth have this insurance
What is Aetna Better Health of Ohio
The year TBR was founded
What is 1961
Fighting, Threatening, or disrupting the work of others
What is the Workplace Violence Policy?
Supportive, Directive, Safety Interventions, Therapeutic Rapport
What is the Crisis Development Model - Staff Approaches?
Director of Nursing
Who is Victoria Tomlinson?
TBR PRTF was founded in
What is November 2023?
Regulate, Relate, ......
What is Reason
Smoking is allowed in certain areas of The Buckeye Ranch.
What is False?
The need to remain professional by managing your own behaviors and attitudes
What is Rational Detachment
Clinical Director
Who is Josh Stewart?
Happens every 30 days or more if closer to discharge
What are CFT meetings?
Reporting Suspected abuse or neglect
What is a mandated reporter
What is 6 months of employment?
Verbal, Paraverbal, Non-Verbal
What are Forms of Communication?
Residential Safety and Security
Who is Phil Elms?
Release, Refusal, Questioning, Tension Reduction, Intimidation
What is The Verbal Escalation Continuum
Caring for Children and Families, Honesty, Accountability, Respect, Collaboration
What are the Core Values?
Respectful, Simple and Reasonable
What is limit setting?
Who is Sarah Book?
What is an inpatient level of care in a non-acute setting?