Traffic Controls
Street Crossing Skills
Street Crossing Terms
Cane & Independent Skills

This is a slope in front of a house where people park their car or pull into their garage.

What is a driveway?


This is an 8-sided red sign that requires cars to make a full stop and go through the intersection 1 at a time.

What is a stop sign?


This is a safe timing method to help cross when you do not hear or see cars at quiet stop sign or uncontrolled streets.

What is "All Quiet"?


This is when a car engine is on but the car is not moving.

What is idling?


A technique to protect yourself against overhead objects such as branches/cupboards, trees, doors, etc.) 

What is upper body protective technique?


These are tactile bumps that warn travelers who are blind or visually impaired of potential danger. They are commonly found at intersection corners, transportation platforms, and at the beginning or end of a staircase.

What are truncated domes?


This is a 3-sided red sign that tells drivers that they must slow down and be ready to stop to let any vehicle, bicyclist, or pedestrian pass before you proceed through an intersection.

What is a yield sign?

What is a yield?


This is when you move your cane in an arc before you begin a street crossing and taps down three times, on alternating sides of the body. This is to signal to drivers that you are crossing.

What is flagging?


This is when a car goes from a stopped position and begins moving.

What is a surge?


1 or more things in the environment (physical, tactile, scent, sound) that are unique. permanent, distinctive to the environment and in a known location. 

What is a landmark?


A path from the sidewalk to one's home (usually the front door). 

What is a walkway?


This is a traffic control where several cars stop on a street and then surge forward at the same time when it is their turn to go. These have red, green and yellow colors.

What is a traffic light?

What is a stop light?


This is when you look or listen for nearby cars before and during a street crossing.

What is visual scanning?

What is auditory scanning?


This is the street that is next to you when you are walking down a block or at a corner.

What is a parallel street?


A technique used to protect against waist level objects such as benches, doorways, tables, trash cans, etc.

What is lower body protective technique?


The sidewalk grass line closest to the street.

What is an outside shoreline?


This is when a traffic control is not present. Cars do not have to stop and they remain in continuous motion as they pass you.

What is a uncontrolled street?


This is when the traveler holds their cane diagonal to their body with the cane anchored at the curb while standing at a street corner.

What is cane "On Display" (waiting position)?


This is when there are loud sounds that block you from hearing nearby traffic.

What is a masking sound?


Traveler constantly keeps track of their position in the environment while moving (thinking ahead). 

What is spatial updating?


This is a strip of grass between the street and sidewalk.

What is a parkway?

What is a landscape strip?


This traffic light color means caution or slow down to a stop if you are able to safely.

What is a yellow light?

What is a yellow?


This is a safe timing method to cross when you hear cars on the parallel street next to you surge forward going straight.

What is nearside parallel surge?


This is the street that is in front of you or behind you.

What is a perpendicular street?


A primary cane technique where the cane tip maintains contact with the ground and the traveler will sweep past the widest part of their body (shoulders, hips, etc.) to help detect obstacles, drop-offs, and receive more information about terrain changes.

What is constant contact cane technique?
