Banyan Treatment Center is an _______-based program and prohibits the use of alcohol, cannabis, and other mood-altering substances that are not prescribed by the physician (e.g., Suboxone, stimulants, Benzo taper).
One of the major benefits of ________ is the calming effect the system has on individuals. The concept of the system is to help with the racing thoughts by using music therapy to bring you into a meditative state, which usually takes about 15 minutes.
Biofeedback Therapy
Obtain a sponsor within the first ______ weeks of PHP.
Addiction is a ______ disease that cannot be “cured,” but can be treated with the help of therapy, medications, coping skills, lifestyle changes, and sober support.
In this group (that happen on Sundays and Thursdays) learning the importance of eating healthy foods is main topic.
Nutrition Education
_________ need to be turned into the front desk during group sessions and can only be used in the front lobby during breaks
Your name will be highlighted on the sign in sheet if you need to provide a ____ that day.
UA/ drug test
Attend _______ recovery meetings per week (AA, NA, Refuge Recovery, SMART Recovery, etc.).
A person is considered to be in _____ recovery for the first 1-11 months.
In this group, types of meditation, grounding exercises and other activities are discussed to increase our sense of awareness of the present moment.
No _______ when someone is speaking.
Side talking
Patients are allowed to use the Serenity Bed ______ times per week.
Complete a ____ _____ _____.
Relapse Prevention Plan
A chronic disease requires long term _______ and monitoring.
In these groups, core beliefs and cognitive distortions are highlighted.
CBT: cognitive behavioral therapy
You are allotted __ individual session(s) and __ family session(s) per week.
1; 1
Maintain medication __________.
A person is said to be in _______ recovery at 1-5 years.
In this group songs are chosen by all patients, played for all to hear and given an opportunity to discuss the importance it may have for the person that chose it.
Music Therapy
Please treat all peers and staff with ______.
Meets the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Thursday of the month
Banyan Alumni Program
Stay in group for the _____ duration, keeping trips out of the room at a minimum.
A person is said to be in ________ recovery after maintaining 5 years of sobriety.
In this group, patients can openly process their thoughts, feelings and behaviors surrounding addiction and the struggles it may bring.
group therapy