What is Cognition
Mental activity- refers to the acquisition, storage, transformation, and use of knowledge
who is Aristotle?
Emphasized the importance of empirical evidence, scientific evidence obtained by careful observation and experimentation
Who is the "founder of psychology"
Wilhelm Wundt
What is Cognitive psychology?
Refers to a particular theoretical approach to psychology
Who is Wilhelm Wundt?
Emphasized introspection, under controlled circumstances, well-trained observers would methodically examine their own feelings and report them as objectively as possible.
What does the book "Principles of Psychology" provide?
It highlights the active and inquisitive nature of the human mind and gives concise, in-depth accounts of people's daily experiences.
Numerous subjects that interest cognitive psychologists of the twenty-first century are also hinted at in it This includes perceptions, attention, memory, understanding, reasoning, and the tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon.
What is the cognitive approach?
a theoretical orientation that emphasizes people's thought processes and their knowledge
Who is William James?
Theorized about psychological experiences and emphasized the human mind as active and inquiring
Who was the first woman to be president of the American Psychological Association?
Mary Whiton Calkings
What is the recency effect?
refers to the finding that the last items on a series of stimuli are particularly accurate in our memory.
Who is Hermann Ebbinghaus?
He looked at a number of variables that could affect memory task performance.
who created one of the earliest systematic investigations of a cognitive process?
Hermann Ebbinhaus
Instead of emphasizing subjective processes like introspection, psychology must concentrate on objective, observable responses to environmental stimuli.
Who is Mary Whiton Calkins?
She highlighted that psychologists should investigate how people use their cognitive processes in the real world rather than in artificial laboratory tasks, and she reported a memory phenomenon known as the recency effect. She also created guidelines for introductory psychology courses taught in college.
What is Gestalt psychology?
It highlights that the whole is more than the sum of its parts and that humans have innate tendencies to actively organize what we see.