What is the Slaughterville School mascot?
The Cleavers
The main character’s name has a special meaning.
How many Earth days equal a Mars year?
What did Ms. Etta’s swim teammates call themselves together?
Swim sisters
In which book do two characters name a paint color “bloody cherry”?
The Midnight Children by Dan Gemeinhart
What was Mr. Croward’s job before he moved to the retirement home?
He ran the funeral home
The main character finds something in the closet in their new house. What is it?
A round tin cookie canister
How many months did it take for the “close approach” where Mars was closest to Earth, to happen?
26 months
The main character goes off a diving block for the first time and does what?
A belly flop
In which book does the family take one last ride in their Toyota?
Ways to Make Sunshine by Renee Watson
Who runs the orphanage from which the Ragabonds escaped?
Madame Murdosa
The main character and their mom are returning their aluminum cans when they see someone they know in line. Who is it?
What does Ou sont les toilettes mean in French?
Where are the toilets
What place does the main character get in her first race ever?
Third place
In which book does the school costume designer faint?
Swim Team by Johnnie Christmas
What words are painted on the side of the Hunter’s truck?
Delicious Ice Cream
The main character’s dad has lost his job of 15 years. Where did he work for so long?
The post office
Two-Part Question: In the first days that Bell was recovering what two things did Vera bring to make them feel better?
Lunch and gossip
Two-Part Question: Bree’s favorite things include? Name Two:
Cooking, the library, doing homework with dad
In which book does a character get a job because the previous employee was struck by a delivery truck, breaking both their legs?
The Midnight Children by Dan Gemeinhart
What is the password that makes Benjamin vomit on command?
The main character and their mom give two dollars to a man asking for help. What else do they suggest he do?
Go to the shelter for a free mea
In The Lion of Mars by Jennifer L. Holm, what type of flowers are in the bouquet that Commander Laurent gives to Commander Sai?
What was the Holyoke Prep School mascot?
The Heck-Raising Herons
In which book was broccoli banned from the menu?
The Lion of Mars by Jennifer L. Holm
What is the made-up first name of Mrs. Deering?
The main character figures out how to be in the talent show without performing on stage.
Be an usher
What does bisou bisou mean?
Kiss kiss
Where were the state championships held?
At Holyoke Prep School
In which book does someone suffer from a broken clavicle?
The Lion of Mars by Jennifer L. Holm
What did the youngest girl carry with her when the six children went into the empty house?
A stuffed giraffe
What kind of brownies did Ryan invent that were good?
Lemon brownies
Two-Part Question: Memes declares that she had the best meal of her life in Provence, what are two of the three dishes that she mentions as being, simple, yet perfect?
Roast chicken, green beans, and grilled potatoes
What did Haylie the hall monitor admit to Bree?
The she didn’t know how to swim either, but she was inspired by Bree to start taking lessons
In which book does a character win fifty nickels playing ring toss at the carnival?
The Midnight Children by Dan Gemeinhart
Two-Part Question: What is the full name of the first Ragabond, and what year was their story recorded in the Always and Forever book?
Rebecca Hempstead, 1818
What main song did Luke first play for the Easter church service?
Amazing Grace
What tool was missing from the supply ship delivery?
A socket wrench
Where was the regional swim meet held?
Sawgrass Prospect Middle School
In which book does someone make fun of an IPOD as a thing they might only see in a museum?
Swim Team by Johnnie Christmas
Who was the founder of Skinister Quality Meats?
Strayhorn Skinister
What song did Luke play at church that made the kids laugh?
The Linus and Lucy song from Charlie Brown
What did Trey want to name the mouse?
John Glenn
What was the Sawgrass Prospect Middle School’s mascot?
The Tenacious Tiger Sharks
In which book does someone burn rosemary chicken wings with lemon juice?
Ways to Make Sunshine by Renee Watson