This tool can only be used for single account portfolios
Difference between excluding vs DNB / DNS
Excluding takes away the value and doesn't factor the security in, but just marking DNB / DNS will still factor it in
When does our Bonus get paid?
Feb 28th
If an advisor wants to save trades for tomorrow but wants to refresh the price, what can they do?
export the trades, delete them and import them in the quick trade tool the next day
Delete and re run the trades
How long do contributions last on the dashboard?
1 day
Raise Cash - Include Excess Cash - No Excess Cash
How do I spend cash that hit at the custodian but isn't in Eclipse yet. What if the account isn't funded at all in Eclipse yet?
Spend Cash - Allow cash to go negative or negative rebal cash
If the account doesn't have value the above wont work
The word advisors use to call models / security sets sometimes (we have our own version that means something completely different )
If we see FIX messages for trade execution but doesn't see them at the custodian what should the advisor do?
Call the custodian, and make sure to check the block account to see if the trades have executed but are just not allocated yet.
What Team setting allows a team / user to see everything?
If the permissions are set to All
How do you spend cash on a portion of the model?
Spend Cash with Emphasis
What will happen if I have unassigned securities marked as Do Not Sell and I run a rebalance?
It wont be intolerance and it wont buy anything since unassigned securities marked as DNS = dead weight
How many times did Di Wu chat in in 2024?
What is the typical MF cut off time?
15 minutes before market close
Why should we never update someone's user
We don't know what team they should be on, what they can / shouldn't see. As well as what role they should be allowed or not
With a multi account portfolio how does Eclipse know where to put each asset?
Location Optimization
If securities are in multiple areas of the model, how is the value determined in each area?
Security In Multiple Areas Of Model Distribution Method
Either Pro Rata or most underweight
Who took the most engagements on the team in 2024?
What happens if an advisor has a bunch of pendings from a week ago and then goes to make trades?
The pendings are factored in and can lead to possible trade errors
Role Priv - Override Restrictions in Tactical and Quick Trades
What are my top 3 favorite trade tools?
Rebalancer, Focus Rebalancer, TLH
An advisor has a security set as the target and also has it set as an alternative. why is it not reflecting properly when they run a trade tool?
Allow Security to be targeted and an alternate
Whats the name of our new president, and COO?
Reed Colley, Arun Anur
What does it mean if there is a number next to the closed grid?
The amount of rejected orders
If Monday is a holiday and an advisor is trading on Tuesday and then get stale price warning on all ETF and MF trades, what should we recommend?
For them to utilize 15 min delayed pricing. If so the ETF prices will update, the MF prices will still have the warning