3rd Entity
Relationship Myth
Alignment Work
Pot Luck

What are questions in position 1 and 2?

What do you feel? 

What do you want?


What are the 4 elemental channels?

Visual- looking and being seen

Auditory- hearing and making sounds

Proprioceptive- body sensation

Kinesthetic- movement


What is Question 1?

What circumstances brought you together?  

What did you appreciate about...?

What were early powerful experiences?


Phase 1 is Set-up and Ventilate. Identify the Issue.

What questions should you ask?

Context- Explain what you will be doing and why.

What's going on for you?

How does that make you feel?

Shift them with- when you hear that, what shows up for you?


In the DTA, what are the 2 issues it should address?

Creating the culture or atmosphere.

Sharing responsibility.


What are Qs in position 3?

What does it feel like to watch 1 & 2?

What do you know that they might not know?

What do you need from them?


What are the 2 composite channels?

Relationship- relating to someone or something. Or describing the experience in a relationship metaphor.

World- environment, worldly things impacting you and what you do.


What is Question 2?

What do you like/admire/appreciate about the other now?


Phase 2: Discover common interests

What 3 questions are useful here?

1. Are you willing to resolve this without blame?

2. Why is it important to resolve this?

3. What do you already agree on?


How often should the DTA be reviewed?


Also, it is critical that it is posted where it can be seen by the whole team on a regular basis. 


What are Qs in position 4?

What have you learned?

What is one action step you will take based on what you learned?


For the auditory channel, what 2 questions can you ask?

If it made a sound, what would it be?

What are you hearing?


What is question 3?

Why did circumstance bring you together? 

What is unique about this partnership?

What role of function does it have to play in the world at this time?


What is phase 3 of alignment work?

Problem solving-

Put problem out in front.

Clients become a team to resolve it.

Create next action steps.


Using "I" statements and talking directly to the coach is good for what ORSC tool?



What do you do when a client is in position 2 and backslides?  

Move them back to their own position.


For the visual channel, what 4 questions can you ask?

What does it look like?

Make a movie of it.

What images do you see?

Make a picture.


What is Question 4?

What is a metaphor or name that characterizes the best of your relationship with (the team)?


What 5 skills are needed for alignment work?

1. Read and work with the emotional field.

2. Bilateral ventilation.

3. Context setting: move forward together while honoring common interests.

4. Set context and then fade.

5. Acknowledge the relationship or team.


Describe how Force Field Analysis Works

1.  List all forces for change on one side.

2.  List all forces against change on opposite side.  

3. Assign a score to each force from 1(weak) to 5 (strong) scale.

4. Total up #s. 


What is the essential element for this to be effective?

The people involved must care about the other. 

Extra:  Best when topic not too "hot".


For the kinesthetic channel, what 3 questions can you ask?

How would it move?

What is the movement now?

How fast/slow does it go?


What is Question 5?

Imagine telling the other what you have told me. What would that be like?


What is alignment and what is it not?

It's about consciously agreeing to move in the same direction to serve a common goal.  This is not the same as agreement or harmony. 


For the Proprioceptive channel, what questions can you ask?

Where in your body do you feel it?

What does it feel like?

Describe how it feels so I can experience it too.
