Liston knife, Gigli saw, and Satterlee saw are examples of instruments used for which type of procedure?
What is achieved by wrapping an extremity with an Esmarch bandage prior to inflation of pneumatic tourniquet?
Which agency requires the documentation and tracking of implantable orthopedic devices?
The surgical team wears______ during a total joint replacement procedure
Body exhaust suit or a space suit
Bone screws with spiked washers, bioabsorbed screws, and staples are used to anchor...
ACL graft
Which instrument is used frequently in arthroscopies to examine and manipulate internal structures?
Blunt probe
Amputated limbs may be placed in which of the following for transport to pathology?
Mayo stand cover
What joint has the greatest range of motion?
Which positioning device will be used for ORIF of intertrochanteric femoral fracture?
Fracture table
Bankhart, Bristow, and Putti-platt are surgical approaches for a
surgical repair for recurrent anterior shoulder dislocation
Surgeons may call both Bennett and Hohmann retractors by which other name because of their shapes?
What is polymethyl methycrylate used for in orthopedic procedures?
PMMA; Bone Cement
What is the name of the deep, round fossa of the hip joint?
How long can a tourniquet be inflated?
upper extremity = 1 hour
lower extremity = 1.5 hours
Patients diagnosed with shoulder impingement syndrome would likely undergo:
Which orthopedic instrument has the appearance of a turkey foot or eagle's talon?
Lowman Bone holder
What device is used to maintain a lateral position?
Vacuum beanbag
Which method of reducing a fracture carries the highest potential for surgical site infection?
open reduction, internal fixation for compound comminuted fracture
Cannulated screws and nails are designed to follow the path created by a:
guide pin
Axillary nerve injury or detachment of the deltoid from the acromion are:
serious post-op complications of open acromioplasty
Which instrument is used to remove marrow from the canal of long bones for placement of prostheses?
Intramedullary Reamer
Which type of cast is applied often to children and immobilizes unilateral or bilateral hips and femurs?
What is the name of a small protuberance of a bone that is an attachment point for muscles or tendons?
Which component of an arthroscopy system is specific to orthopedics and differs from most laparoscopy/MIS systems? Used to trim torn/frayed tendons.
Powered shaving system
Which type of suture would be contraindicated for attaching tendon to bone?
polyglactin 910 (Vicryl)